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American_Made Blog

Gangstar Miami Vindication and PSN

Let me start out by saying that I played Gangstar Miami Vindication on my iPad 2 for the first time last night. Sure, it's not as advanced as GTA IV, but I must say it's still a pretty fun game. I bought an accessory called a Fling. It's a joystick that sticks to the screen. It works very well for this game. I knew it would work for walking, but I was surprised to find out that it also works well for steering vehicles. If you are a fan of GTA-type games, I recommend it. Now, I'd like to voice my opinion on the PSN incident that started last month and is still haunting PSN users to this day. It didn't really bother me much until lately. I don't play games online very much, so the outage didn't effect me in that aspect. However, I am a little worried that some hacker has my password and possibly my credit card details. I also think that Sony's attempt to make up for it is pretty sad. They offer 5 old-as-hell games that nobody even cares about any more - and anyone who does care about them most likely already has them. I wish they at least let us choose which games we get. I'd much rather have the pinball or mini-golf game on the PSN store. Now I'll have to settle for Infamous and Little Big Planet - both of which I've already owned and sold, but I figure something is better than nothing. Why did they even bother to make the announcement as early as they did when the PSN store is still down? That's what annoys me the most. It's bad enough they are offering insignificant games, but they make us wait for them while the situation continues to drag on for what seems like forever at this point. I read on the forums that it may be back up this week, but I read that rumor every week and every week it's still down. Enough ranting for now - back to my fun new iPad 2! Thanks For Reading - - American_Made

iPad 2 is fun!

So I finally got my ipad 2 last night and I was up until midnight lastnight playing with it. (Midnight is late for me, so that's saying something). The time just flew by while I was learning how to use it for the first time. I've already downloaded several free apps and games from itunes and am currently working on transferring over my music collection. I got some accessories for it, including a really nice case that was marked down to just $5 on Amazon. I think it may have been a mistake on their end because a little while later, the price was back up to $20, so maybe I got lucky. I also got a Fling joystick which I am anxious to try out. I want to get the game Gangstar: Miami Vindication, but Gameloft told me that it currently has issues running on iOS 4.3 and they are working to resolve them asap. 10 Pin Lite and American Ball are both fun games. I'm not really liking DH Safari, but maybe it takes getting used to. At least it was only 99 cents. More updates to come. Thanks For Reading - - American_Made

Getting an iPad 2 soon

UPS attempted to deliver my iPad 2 today, but I was at work and nobody was home to sign for it. Now I have to wait until 7:30PM to go pick it up at a UPS location in the next city over. It stinks, but at least it arrived a week ahead of the original anticipated date which was next Friday. I can't wait go get my hands on it. I hear it's really good and it'll be my first tablet ever. Needless to say, I'm excited. I'll post again once I have it. Thanks For Reading - - American_Made