@GONtheSKYLORD @Klikandclick @maddogmark25 You do have a point since Half life 2 was great because it was the first type of shooter to present a linear but immersive experience but now we have to many of those and so i can see why you mentioned call of duty in this case.
Guys lets just get this straight we all know valve does way better with new IP's i mean making episode 3 wouldnt really make sense to me at this point unless they want to progress the story i mean it would be good to have it but it would make more sense if it isnt in development.
How could they **** it up so bad i mean when did this turn into a freaking third person action game and now its FUCKING MP ONLY!!??What the hell were they thinking doing this damnit!!!
I'm not complaining about the console im complaining about the game i mean did no one notice how dark the game seemed unlike any dead rising game this seems to have all the humor and energy sucked of it so i couldn't give a rats ass for this game which seems to be the only drawing point for me to the XBONE....
Yeah this kinda makes me mad but i dont have to rant about it because im not forced to buy the DLC's i mean i have BF3 and i never bought any DLC and im okay with it cause there are a good amount of maps in MP to keep me busy and im sure the same will happen in BF4.
Amgadashrafshra's comments