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AmidstTheLight Blog

Site is back up and better than ever!

My site is now back up and running again. This time I haveaccess to making any changes that I want and publishing those changes at any time. I have already added those links I mentioned before to Crumplecorn's sites and added the symbol background. I even got around to adding my email address on the "Dedication" page, so feel free to email me if you've got some ideas or thoughts.

I didn't even realize that TLG and collections have been postponed until I came to gamespot. Although it is sad, I will wait patiently for their release and continue working on my site. I hope more Team Ico fans will join me in this.

Site has been suspended...

:cry:My site has been suspended because I own my company money. I don't want it to be down right now just in case anyone wants to contribute, although I'm trying to save my money to pay off this school semester and the next. I only owe $100, so it won't take me long to acquire. I have an update for the site as well that contains my AOL email address, and I will leave it here at the bottom for anyone interested in writing for the site. In the last version of my site there isn't any contact information, so I fixed that. In the update I will make, thereare also two more links to Crumplecorn's two Team Ico analysis sites: You Were There and The Forbidden Land. If anyone is reading this, I'm still trying to get my own interpretations up as well. I think I may post my introduction, just so there is some original content on my site. Thanks to anyone that is following my site, and I hope that WE can make it a truly great Team Ico site someday.

Team Ico story interpretation fansite HERE! And I need YOUR help!

This is my fansite I created so that all fan interpretations of Team Ico's games can be expressed. There isn't any content on the site yet. I need real fans that want to contribute and send me what they've taken away from these stories. Topicsshould range from psychologyto anthropologyand religion to just plainly retelling the story as you believe it was expressed to you.

I've been writing my own interpretation for over a year now. I really want to finish it and I will post it on the site when that happens. This site started because I was spending so much time in the Gamespot/Gamefaqs forum talking and reading (mostly) what fans of these games had to say. There was and still are great debates and discussions over the meanings of Team ICO's games. On the site I mention that I want to expand in the realm of fiction, but that is misleading. I meant to say I want to try to understand this world and the characters within it that Team Ico has created. I'm not trying to copy other great fan sites that are out there. I'm just trying to take the forum discussions out of the forum for people that want to read what fans have taken away.

If you can or want to help please contact me. I think that this site can be another great addition for the fan community.