:cry:My site has been suspended because I own my company money. I don't want it to be down right now just in case anyone wants to contribute, although I'm trying to save my money to pay off this school semester and the next. I only owe $100, so it won't take me long to acquire. I have an update for the site as well that contains my AOL email address, and I will leave it here at the bottom for anyone interested in writing for the site. In the last version of my site there isn't any contact information, so I fixed that. In the update I will make, thereare also two more links to Crumplecorn's two Team Ico analysis sites: You Were There and The Forbidden Land. If anyone is reading this, I'm still trying to get my own interpretations up as well. I think I may post my introduction, just so there is some original content on my site. Thanks to anyone that is following my site, and I hope that WE can make it a truly great Team Ico site someday.
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