You are going to have problems with ANY electronics manufacturing process. It's how Sony's customer service is afterwards that counts. I know if my PS4 was broken and I didn't get priority listed for a system (huge waiting list in Australia) then I'd be pretty pissed but it's not the end of the world.
@Blackburn123 Perhaps they are delaying it so they can work out what profits are to be made by monitoring pre-orders... Also add to the fact an opportunistic time to release a game (out of the way of other AAA titles). Wouldn't be the first studio to do that, I'm sure.
I'm really enjoying this game. Picked it up today after watching the "Now Playing" with Kevin and I'm really digging it. The humor is a little dry though and watching Francis York pull a dumbbell from his suit pocket was amusing. Whilst there is nothing special about this game sound and visual wise I feel that less is more and that the "B grade" feel of the game is part of its charm.
Amorphis2k's comments