Amazing film by an unknown 29 year old director... I say 29 because that is my age and this director just made me feel like I am a failure with his amazing first film... so jealous of his natural talent I could puke
Yes it is more of a political thriller to make you think than a guns blazing sci-fi action film, but still I wouldn't mind destroying some of Johannesburg with one of those robot suits they have in the trailer. So maybe not a direct tie in game... but one based on the general world they create. But I will agree most games based on films are atrocious.
I haven't seen the film yet as it isn't out till Friday, though it has been my most anticipated film of the year so far. But from what I can tell from what I have seen is that this beyond almost any other film this summer has the potential to be an amazing game, with the general plot and some of the weapons they show in the commercials it should be a no brainer, but instead we get G-Force???? ....I just don't get it?
What about the lactose intolerant gamers??? Think of the children.. oh lord why doesn't anyone think of the lactose intolerant children!!!:) seriously though, you should summarize this a little tighter and pitch it to a children's book publisher, you may be on to something here
I totally forgot about this game, but it was definitely one of my favorite fighting games, that and Darkstalkers.. they should just release retro-versions of them for the Wii... no motion control needed or else people will be punching each other in the face!
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