Amyok / Member

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Merry Christmas

Well, I have no voice and I have barely a whisper. What a day to get sick! :cry: I canceled Christmas breakfast. I told my Mom and brothers not to come over, I didn't want to get them sick. The girls were disappointed, but my brother is going to stop by this afternoon and drop off the gifts for the girls.:D

At least they had a nice morning opening their gifts. Santa left a digital camera for my 10 yr old and she hasn't stopped taking pictures of everything. ;) My 6 yr old got alot of My littlest Pet Shop and was playing for a while with them all. They liked all their other gifts as well, considering I brought them with me to the store and let them pick them all out. :shock: Yeah, I know: MY BAD! :twisted: I got a ditgal camcorder and an mp3 player which I've already downloaded a bunch of songs.:) (I love buying my own gifts!):P

My 6 yr old woke me up at 7:30 hoping to open her gifts. But everyone else was still asleep and I made her wait.:o I know, I know, shame on me. But hey, I'm sick and "someone" (You know who you are BRIAN!) ;) kept me up chatting away with my almost non existant voice until 2:30 a.m. :P (I can't stop talking even when my voice is almost gone!) :lol: :lol: I'm exhasted! :| I think I'll drink some tea and take a nap while listening to my new mp3 player...