I went to see Transformers on Saturday. Thinking this is a guy flick I didn't have much hopes for it to be that great of a movie considering it is a movie about toys. Well, was I wrong. It was such an awesome movie. It had comedy, romance, action and adventure. What more could you want in a movie? I laughed so hard. The star of the movie was Shea Labedouf from Evan Stevens. I've seen him in Constantine with Keanu Reeves and I thought he was very good in that film. He was terrific in Transformers. He really is a very good actor. So believable in the part. He is quite funny. I LMAO. I loved this movie. It is definitely a MUST SEE!!! I highly recommend this movie to all adults. However, I didn't realize it is rated PG-13 and I made the mistake of taking my 5 yr old daughter and she was scared at some parts. I even had to cover her eyes at some of the scenes I though were too violent. My 10 yr old loved it. I wouldn't recommend children under 10. There is alot of death and destruction and lots of guns.
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