Okay, here's my biggest pet peave. I found a really good Inuyasha fan fiction story. I read it for 3 hours, staying up til 1 am trying to read to the end. It was stated as a completed story, so when I got to chapter 10 I figured it would end. But NO! Only to find out the author stopped writting the story 3 yrs ago. What annoyed me even more was in the middle somewhere, around chapter 8 the author appologized for not updating sooner and promised to finish the story and was definately not one of "those" authors who stop writing in the middle. Only to find out by going to the authors webpage to see a note stating that the stories won't ever get finish. Here I waste my time enjoying the story to end on a cliff hanger. Just like some TV shows do all the time! ARG! Life is cruel sometimes. I guess I should go to bed now. I guess I will just dream of an ending for it myself.Inuyasha and Kagome are together, the end.... Okay, a feel a little better now.......NOT! I figure I'll feel better tomorrow (actually that would be later today) when the next Manga chapter comes out. And none to soon. Where's Dr. Who and his Tardis when you need him...... (going through withdrawls here!)
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