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An-Archist Blog

Same World, Drastic Change: My Personal Reflections.

So, I've started playing WoW again after a good 5+ month break, I gather the new files from a friend off of their Portable Hard Drive to save me from downloading them, I remove the Addons from the Interface folder and then I re-subscribe with my shiny Mastercard.

Upon entering the familiar world I'm greeted with the usual pleasantries from various 12 year old keyboard warriors and 13 year old's, fresh out of primary school. But what struck me was not the sick and perversive minds of these children but how much the actual game has changed in itself. Stats have been simplified, some even removed, graphical modifications here and UI tweaks there, eventually I realised that this World of Warcraft was not the same World of Warcraft I'd left 5 months ago. I was left in a sense of awe, but mostly I was disappointed. Having braved the original incarnation of WoW, moving into Outland with the Burning Crusade and then onto Icecrown with Wrath of the Lich King, I wasn't expecting the game to be so...different, for lack of a better word. Never has the game felt so foreign to me. And the worst part of all this is, the game isn't even that different, there has been no overly drastic change in how the game is played or how it looks. Maybe all the little things have just added up, maybe it's the fact my Class has been altered to the point of unfamiliarity (despite remaining the same class, with mostly the same spells and abilities and what not) or maybe it's because this 5 months has been filled with activities that haven't centred around Video Games and Films.

Nevertheless, I am adjusting, and over time, I will enjoy what Blizzard have done with this game, there is no doubt that will happen but until then I can only wander about in a semi-familiar world, it appears the same but underneath the skin lies an almost new game, ready to emerge and envelop me once more, or perhaps, this time is different, maybe this time, I'll be unable to return, maybe my adventures in Azeroth will finally come to an end, cloak hung up and ready to enjoy retirement, only time will tell.

Glitch: An Aion Tale, New Video up!

Stay A While And Listen - Deckard Cain

G'day everyone!

Just thought I'd post a link to my latest video, I was playing Aion earlier this evening and stumbled into some weird game design after I started recording to test out my new Video/Mic combo.

I hope you enjoy! Comment, Rate, Whatever.

- An-Archist

Obligatory Artwork

Time for some obligatory artwork (It's a Troll :D)
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Just Cause 2: Potentially The Most Entertaining Game Ever Made?

You there!

If you haven't had a chance to check out the Previews for Just Cause 2 I suggest you get right on it, the game just looks... Awesome!

Grappling Hooks, Stunts and Sky Diving! What more could you ask for?;title;4

There is the link, now go go GO!

- An-Archist

One Of The Funniest Jokes I've Read In Quite Some TIme

Here we go, enjoy! It is a Warcraft joke by the way but i'm sure anyone will find the humor in it:D

Just a second thing, it is a tad mature so I wouldn't advise anyone under 10 to read on, thanks.

A human man had a problem with his... endowment... his organ... since birth. It was related to the size, but unlike many humans who feel they are too small, his was far too large! 25 inches to be precise. Constantly he would have women run screaming from his bedchamber. So one day he decided he'd had enough of this, and went on a long journey to find a solution to this sizable problem.

He went to many doctors, sorcerors, alchemists and shamans. Every expert imaginable who could possibly solve his problem. But sadly none could help him, with out resorting to dangerous and excruciatingly painful methods. The poor man was distraught and ready to give up on his quest, but desperate, he tried one last resort. To go to a foul Troll witch doctor he had heard of, that supposedly had powerful magic. Going to this troll, he paid him a generous amount of gold, the explained his size issues.

The witch doctor nodded. "Yah mon. Dere be a way to solve dis problam. You go to de bog, ten miles to de north. Find de lone female frog, chillin' on 'er lillypad. Den you ask 'er marry you. Every time de frog say no, you're problam get smallah an' smallah mon. Buy five whole inchas."

Sceptical, but willing to give it a go, the man went north to the bog. Just as the Troll had said, there was a lone female frog sitting quietly on her lillypad. So shrugging his shoulders he called out to it.

"Hey frog! Will you marry me?!"

She offered the man a cold brief glance, before turning away and snobbishly answering. "No!"

To the man's astonishment, it worked and his 25 incher instantly shrank down to a 20. That foul godless troll had actually told him the truth. Excited now that his long journey had come to an end, he again called out to the frog.

"Hey frog! Will you marry me?!"

Seeming a little more annoyed off by the advance this time, the frog glared angrily at him. "No!!" Instantly tool shrank to 15 inches. The human was thrilled one more time, and it would be perfect! Ten inches would be great.

"Frog! Marry me!"

Standing up, she glowered at the human with a deadly glare, then started screaming at him. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?!?! NO, NO, AND FOR THE LAST TIME..."

The Anti-Blog: Call Of The Zombie (Just A Cool Title). 16/10/09.

What i'm listening to whilst writing, Superbeast by Rob Zombie.

*small spoilers*

I decided to write this right after I finished watching The Fly (1986 Remake) for a second time, upon second viewing I must say I enjoyed it alot more and having said that I enjoyed it alot the first time I watched it. I had a better understanding of what was going on story wise and I enjoyed Seth's transformation more I should also add that I understood some of the more quirkier jokes made by Seth during the transformation (The Insect Politician Joke in particular). Other than all of that It is an excellent movie and I really suggest checking it out if you haven't already seen it.

In other "news" I've been battling around my WoW addiction... One day i'll just shove it aside and others it's all I can do... Maybe It's a mental issue? I don't know. It's screwed around all my other gaming so I have not a clue when it comes to games anymore. I just do what I do... Oh well I'm having fun, that's the main thing.

I bought the latest PC Powerplay and I look forward to reading it (yes, it's also when I bought The Fly). The headline topic is WoW: Cataclysm so it should be a very interesting issue.

Speaking of PC's I'm considering upgrading my MB so I can also upgrade my CPU to an Intel i5 so i'll keep you all updated on that. Until then...

Peace Out

- An-Archist

The Anti-Blog: PSP Go And Other Tid-Bits. 28/9/09

What i'm listening to whilst writing, Nothing sadly >_>

The PSP Go... I implore you not to buy it! Why waste your money on something as gimmicky as that? I ragged out the DSi Lite on release.. But that is nothing compared to this! Sony even promised a good will program or somthing along those lines that would allow users to download games they already own the UMD's to.So please Woman, Children and Cyborgs please do not fork out the extra dollars on the PSP Go, instead use the money on the superior PSP-3000 thank you.

Now that i'm done ranting on about the PSP Go i'd like to jump into some other topics/discussions etc.

I finished watching all of FMA(Fullmetal Alchemist) and I must say it was the best series I've ever seen it had action/fight scenes, emotion and character depth. It truly was an excellent series and I can't wait to watch the film! After I finish FMA i'm gonna move onto another anime series so if anyone can give mesome ideas as to what series to jump to now.. That would be much appreciated!

Well, that about wraps up The Anti-Blog for the day. Thank you.

- An-Archist

The Anti-Blog 19/9/09

What i'm listening to whilst writing, Cold As Ice by Foreigner.

G'day all, just thought i'd actually take the time to write a blog that's worth reading, i'll also say my use of this site recently isn't what i'd like it to be having said that i've been playing a hefty amount of games.

C&C 3

Call of Duty 4 (Mainly multiplayer)

Doom 3 (Can't wait to finish the beast)

World of Warcraft

and a few others that i'll remember after I finish writing the blog:P

Is it just me or is Doom 3 the most repetitive game of all time, dark corridor folowed by computer room and then darker corridor? That isn't saying it isn't an excellent game... Probably the only game i've played besides Resident Evil that has had me genuinely creeped out mind you I was quite young when playing RE 1.

I finally got around to living my dream in life, I built myself a PC (Will post pics, specs etc another time) and i'm utterly impressed in myself! I knew it was gonna feel good but not this good.

WoW is getting boring, sick of leveling... You know i might actually start leveling some of my Horde toons i'll see how I go but i'll probably log in log off then jump back into Call of Duty 4:D Man that is addictive quite possibly the best multiplayer game i've played!

Well that does it for now.

Live long and prosper - Spock