I suppose my blog is proof that I can't be a journalist. It’s mostly due to the fact that I'm extremely lazy though. Other wise I would be doing this daily.
Currently I'm in the process of getting a J.O.B., which is going so/so. I have already done a interview with one store, it seemed like the interview turned out positive but in order for me to go into the next phase I had to give the manager a couple of references. I did that and its been a couple of days, so I'm getting a bit worried. I really need a job pretty badly, I have major plans with that hard earned cash, and this is the only time I'm going to have the chance to do this because next year is when I'm planning to start college, and once your in college, you have little to no cash to spend.Other then getting J.O.B., anime has been on my mind for some reason. As much as I don't want to think about anime, I keep ending up doing research on my favorite anime shows, mostly looking up the DVD's. I have more to say on the Anime subject but I'll leave that for another post because it might end up being too long. All I can say right now is that, Anime is expensive!
Speaking of Anime, I've been religiously watching, my #1 show, Eureka Seven. I literally, when a new episode airs on Saturday, get as excited as kid opening presents on Christmas day. I wish I can explain why I love so much but sadly I can't. Once I get my 4th Eureka Seven DVD, I see if can I do review to figure out why I love Eureka Seven so much. I can say though that the art style of the show is very appealing compared to other animes. Its not too anime yet you can obviously till it is.
I wonder if she likes Gorillaz?
Enough about that bug eyed, perverted, Japanese animated crap! Lets talk about Gorillaz! I don't know if this was the smartest decision but I used up my money, that I was going to originally buy Okami with, to buy Laika Come Home. I made that decision mainly because that album is pretty hard to come by and because I wanted to finish collecting all of the Gorillaz albums. The only one I’m missing is the Tomorrow Comes Today EP and I don’t expect getting that anytime soon (too rare). I’m still not done buying their stuff by a long shot though. I still need to pick up all of the singles, Phase One and Two DVD’s, etc. It may seem like much but I’m too big of a fan to pass those items up.
On the gaming side of things, Sony sent me a Killzone: liberation demo and Gangs Of London demo a while ago, and I can say; Killzone thumbs up, Gangs Of London thumbs down. Playstation 3 is looking really good right now after TGS. I’ve been hearing nothing but positive things about it, which is good to hear. I was just surprised to see the line up of games at TGS. Call me crazy but I can see myself buying all of the games Sony had at TGS. Hot Shots 5, Monster Kingdom, Genji, MotorStorm, Lair, Resistance, the list goes on. Obviously I’ll be picking up third party games too like Ridge Racer 7 and Virtua Fighter 5. All I know, after reading and seeing TGS, those 600 or 500 bucks I’m going to spend is going to be worth it.
Now excuse me, I’m going to be kicking ass with Jin Kazama and see if I can finally beat Dark Cloud 2. It’s talking me forever!
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