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Dead Space and Fable 2 impressions

I'm not usually one for even reading blogs and this will probably end up being the equivalent of talking to myself (or a wall) but **** it. I've spent the last couple days either in class, or studying for tests. The weekend is finally here and I've had some time to get acquianted with Dead Space and Fable 2. Dead Space has been an absolute blast from the moment I started playing it. The voice acting is magically unhammish where hammishness seemed like more than a realistic possibility...but what strikes me most about it is that it is extremely fun, enjoyable, and well presented. Even though it is derivative of other titles, it does manage to combine great elements from said titles with all the fat trimmed off, and wrapped in a new aesthetic that just ****ing works. The hudless interface is another of my favorite elements, and the fact that searching for items in your inventory doesn't transport you into some magically safe 'pause' safe zone (which I discovered the first time I looked for a tube of chap stick and got skulled by a tentacle) really brought a sense of immersion and immediacy that a good horror title really should have. I've also stolen a few moments with Fable 2 as well. I've seen a lot of haters in various forums and sense a general feeling of 'underwhelm' from some...but I have to say I genuinely dig it. Its one of the few games that I actually feel relaxed while playing, which I'm sure can be attributed to the beautiful environments, lighthearted sense of humor, and generally quirky gameplay...not to mention that its one of the few games that has my girlfriend fighting me over the 360 for (which I'm not so sure is a good thing actually :/) I think I understand why some might feel underwhelmed by it...i mean, if you're expecting that its going to be some kind of titanous 'oblivion' killer hardcore rpg that will require months of grinding, then yes its a dissapointment. I think its pretty clear that Fable has its sights set on the 'casual' gamers and that is definitely reflected in this title. While many will say 'and have said' that this is a 'dumbed down rpg for the masses' I happen to think Fable offers variety and have enjoyed playing something with rpg game mechanics that is casual and relaxing as opposed to something that demands more attention and dedication, like oblivion, or Final Fantasy 'insert number here'. Besides, I'm going to need a soothing game to buffer the impact of the upcoming Fallout 3 :o