Because I'm a nerd, I went ahead and planned my character in advance with a tablet and the game manual since leveling on the fly left this nagging feeling that I would miss something or dump points in the wrong place (No I do not keep my fingernail clippings in nice neat chronologically labeled bottles). Since planning it all out the game has been much more fun and I've died much less. Here it is.
S. 1-->10 w/Nerd Rage! perk
P. 8-->9 via Those! subquest-->10 +bobblehead
E. 9-->10 +bobblehead
C. 1-->2 + bobblehead
I. 10 from the beginning to capitalize on skill points
A. 6-->10 w/Intense training perk x 3 + bobbehead
L. 5-->10 w/Finesse perk
3 "tag" skills
1.Small Guns
Lvl 2 Intense training 'agility'
Lvl 3 Intense training 'agility'
Lvl 4 Educated
Lvl 5 Intense training 'agility'
Lvl 6 Fortune Finder
Lvl 7 Gunslinger
Lvl 8 Scrounger
Lvl 9 Commando
Lvl 10 Finesse
Lvl 11 Nerd Rage! req. Science 50%
Lvl 12 Here and Now
Lvl 13 Sniper
Lvl 14 Lawbringer
Lvl 15 Adamantium Skeleton
Lvl 16 Action Boy
Lvl 17 Tag (4th tag skill 'Repair')
Lvl 18 Concentrated Fire req. Small Guns 60% and Energy Weapons 60%
Lvl 19 Bloody Mess
Lvl 20 Grim Reapers Sprint
Skill point allocation minus any obtained through bobbleheads or books
Barter 7
Big guns 99
Energy Weapons 99
Explosives 30
Lockpick 21
Medicine 70
Melee Weapons 99
Repair 65
Science 25
Small Guns 99
Sneak 17
Speech 7 (not a talker i guess)
Unarmed 99