Wow, I said I was back but I'm really just here off and on. lol What's up everybody? I am finally getting an Xbox 360 Elite! It is for Christmas but I got an amazing deal on eBay for and Elite at $177. It's in PERFECT condition and comes with all that was in the box. My gamertag is Anamosa41 and I'll be getting Halo 3 soon. But here's the catch, my parents are MAKING me wait till Christmas to play it. :lol: This is crazy. lol But it's okay. I'mnot paying for it except for Halo 3 and a play and charge kit. So anyway, I look forward to playing with y'all online when I get my gold account on Christmas. Game on!!!
Anamosa41 Blog
Hello All My Old Friends
by Anamosa41 on Comments
Yep, I'm kinda sorta back. lol I'll be online here on GameSpot every now-and-then. So go ahead, talk to me again. ;) It's been a while.
by Anamosa41 on Comments
I just don't get on here like I used to. I'll keep my membership for sure but you can just about call me a gonner. I know it's a shame. I'm one of the few veterans here. There's some who have been here a lot longer than me though. I wish you all the best. I'll still come here every now and then. See you later. ;)
Alright! I Got My Computer back!
by Anamosa41 on Comments
I finally got my computer back. I'm still going to be busy but at least I'll be able to get on GS.
EDIT: I got a new pic now. It was taken two months ago I think.
An Update On Things (Blog # 100!)
by Anamosa41 on Comments
A Little Blog
by Anamosa41 on Comments
I just got 130 friends here on GS! I'm such a popular person. :lol: LOL Anyway, I'm going to be moving into my new house in about a week. So, I'm happy about that. Sorry I haven't been around here very much and I am especially sorry for not being active what-so-ever in my own union. I was serious about if anyone wants to take the leadership role they are welcome to do so. I'm not being a good leader. Also, just to let all my friends know, I will never be as active as I used to be in the good ol' days when I was an officer in PS3: The Real Next Gen with t-roland, robbristow, and the_zoid. Ah, those were good days (This was two years ago). I have come a long way from then, I'm at level 30 now. I'm just a lot busier than I used to be.
But enough of that. Let's talk about games and E3! :P I've been watching a little bit of G4 today and saw an AWESOME game. Fallout 3 looks great, really, great. I saw the slow-motion camera feature which is so cool. If you haven't seen it, you'll love it! After one of those slow-motion-scenes showing a guy shooting someone in the head with a sniper rifle, the player explained about some power-ups or something to help you with the game. Someone watching said, "Well, it sure didn't help him". I just LOLed. I can't wait to see what Insomniac has to offer with R2.
Well that's all. Talk to y'all later.
An Update On My Toe and Other Stuff
by Anamosa41 on Comments
My toe is healing very well. It never gave me a whole lot of pain, which is great. That really surprised me, since the doctor did go all the way to my bone and scraped the nail away and injected a liquid to chemically burn the root on that side of my nail away. Anyway, I know I'm not being active at all but we finally found a house here it Georgia to buy. We have been renting one for a few months. I won't be active at all for a while now. I will be back though. :)
I Had Surgery Done On My Toe : (
by Anamosa41 on Comments
I had an in-grown toe-nail. The doc took the edge of my toe-nail away and went all the way to my bone to burn the nerve away so it won't grow back anymore. The reason why he did this 'cause I will keep getting my toe-nail in-grown if he didn't do this. I'm not so sore now but later...I don't want to think about it. :(
Wow, I'm At Level 30!
by Anamosa41 on Comments
Hhhmmm, That Didn't Go So Well
by Anamosa41 on Comments
Well, I just found out yesterday that the girl I've been interested in doesn't share the same feelings. :( She told my best friend, "I want to court a different type of guy". To those who don't know, courting is about the same thing as dating, just a bit different. She really likes me as a friend but it seems like that's it. I'm really disappointed. I really really want a girlfriend. Whoever is meant for me will come someday though. Who knows? Maybe she'll change her mind in the future. That would be great.
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