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#1 Anarky
Member since 2002 • 618 Posts
I bought it the day it came out (I really like horror games and there are so few for the 360). The game sucks, the controls are SO bad that for me it wan totally unplayable. Just my opinion but wait for the new Silent Hill game.
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#2 Anarky
Member since 2002 • 618 Posts

I also was not blown away by GTAIV. I don't mean to imply it is a bad game, it is in fact a fantastic game BUT I think I expected more from it. Other than visually, the size of the city and no load screens it isn't much different than the previous GTA games. I enjoyed San Andreas a bit more. I haven't fininshed GTAIV, I just never really feel like playing it.

Again, I am NOT saying it is a bad game in any way I just had higher expectations for it. San Andreas had some very cool new things, all the different cities and the land between them, complete with little towns. There was nothing really mind blowing and new in GTAIV. It does have a deeper story but having to keep all your contacts happy is annoying. The mini-games like darts and bowling are fun the first time but it is tedious to have to keep taking your friends out on man-dates.

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#3 Anarky
Member since 2002 • 618 Posts
I bought it the day it came out, I'm a big horror game fan and that is one genre that is sparse for the 360. I totally regret spending $60 on it. The controls are SO bad that the game is unplayable. It might have a great story for all I know but I couldn't get past the first level, the controls are THAT bad. Some people have been able to get over the bad controls and enjoy the game, not me. At least try the demo or rent it before you throw away $60. I traded it in a few days after it came out and they only gave me $22, I'm sure they slapped a $54.99 price tag on it. My reccomendation is to NOT buy it.
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#4 Anarky
Member since 2002 • 618 Posts

What types of games do you like? There are some great ones in most genres for the 360 with shooters being very well represented.

Since you never owned a 360 before there are a lot of older titles that you will be able to get cheap but will be new to you.

Dead Rising is great. Basically you get to play through Dawn of the Dead, the entire shopping mall is full of zombies and pretty much everything from any store is a weapon.

Oblivion- I can't think of too many games that will give you as much bang for your money.

Saint's Row- it isn't GTAIV but you can likely get it for $20 or less.

Gears of War-looks incredible in hi-def.

Fight Night Round 3 best boxing game ever.

There are a lot of good racing games. Forza 2 is probably the front runner but I enjoyed Need for Speed; Most Wanted a lot more, Burnout Paradise is a lot of fun too.

Bioshock-incredible game, exellent story and great atmosphere.

Crackdown-didn't get a lot of acclaim but I had a blast playing it. You basically get to be a super-powered cop and go to war with bad guys across an entire city.

The two best online games in my opinion are Frontlines and Battlefield Bad Company, now these are both team oriented games , if you prefer deathmatch style stuff than go with COD4 (very good single player campaign but it is VERY short, if you don't play online just rent it) or the ever-popular Halo3 (I didn't care for it much but I'm in the minority on that).

Congrats on your decision, you are going to find a LOT of games to choose from (a lot more than for the Wii or PS3) use resources like Gamespot to check out people's opinions so you don't waste your money. There are so many really good games for the 360 that it would be a shame if you wasted money on some bad games.

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#5 Anarky
Member since 2002 • 618 Posts
Thanks, I agree about the cables. I just can not see ever spending $150 on a wire (yeah I know it's a really GOOD wire but still). I've never seen HDMI cables for $8 (think the cheapest I've run across is $24 or so at Wal-Mart). I'll look on Newegg.
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#6 Anarky
Member since 2002 • 618 Posts
Does the xbox arcade version have an HDMI port or do I have to get the elite in order to use HDMI? Getting a new TV next week and it has plenty of HDMI inputs, right now I use the one I have for the dvd player. When I had to replace my 360 last year I bought the arcade and just swapped the HDs, should have upgraded to the elite then but I was a bit upset at having to replace the console already and went cheap.
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#7 Anarky
Member since 2002 • 618 Posts
I enjoyed it, it is an excellent story-driven game. It's got great atmosphere, play it with the lights out and the surround sound system turned way up.
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#8 Anarky
Member since 2002 • 618 Posts
If the content is already on the HD (I'm not doubting it) why is it that if your internet connection is down the game can't access the downloaded stuff?
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#9 Anarky
Member since 2002 • 618 Posts
OR you could buy a real instrument and learn how to play it. I'm kidding, sort of, I just don't get the appeal of games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero. I tried GH once and found it annoying. Maybe it is just because I do play guitar and have for over 25 years that I don't get it.
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#10 Anarky
Member since 2002 • 618 Posts
Have you tried cycling it (unplugging the power for a couple minutes)? Also if you have a firewall it may interfere. I use a linksys wireless and it seems to work fine. I'd try calling the tech support people at your broadband provider before assuming it is the router. I once went and replaced mine and the problem was the way the system was set-up, the Roadrunner tech people helped me fix the problem.