Well, finally I got a new 80Gb PS3 on Saturday 6th June. My old one was 'beyond repair' but at least I have a PS3 now. Plus, I got Infamous for a cheaper price than a brand new copy (thank you pre-owned). Also, my concerns over MGS4 have been quelled, seeing that in 3 days I have gone beyond the point I was previously on (plus I get to watch the glorious cut-scenes again - love Drebin and his monkey!). Watched some E3 coverage and even got a question asked by the one and only Guy Cocker to the LBP PSP guys. Can#t wait for Prototype this Friday and Brutal Legend.
As of yet, I haven't started playing through Resi5 again. As much as I loved playing through it originally (to the 3rd Chapter), I can't be bothered doing it again yet and seeing all the stuff I was glad to have completed before.
Also, got a PSP as a stopgap between PS3's but sold it, making a depressing monetary loss in the process.
Anyway, just thought I'd let people know.