Andraxal / Member

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McDonalds Drama!

Yes, while working at a fast food restuarant you should expect teeny-bopper drama. However the night before's drama was quite a thiasco, and a mellow drama of a farce. First the three managers on duty were raving, and I mean RAVING! Someone who was supposed to show up didn't, and so they called them at their home, the manager said they needed to get here or else they'll be in trouble, however the person said they didn't work that day. The Manager that was supposed to come to work never did because he was wrongfully asigned the hours. It was made through a mistake, however they were going to be short on a Swing manager, so he NEEDED to come in anyway. So lots of drama, screaming on the phone, and yelling insued inside the tiny cramped office at McDonalds...I of course was wary to stay out of the trampling path of my Manager Tiffany. God forbid getting in the path she was pacing, you might get stepped on or an evil gaze which might bore a hole right through your noggin'. So she started calling up the different managers, none of which volunteered to come help. So she got stuck doing part of a graveyard shift, and was VERY I kinda stayed away from her the rest of the night until I requested to do my SoC's a type of test to get a badge that show's you can do other tasks, it's really annoying. She kinda was upset so I told her: "Some of these managers suck, I would've came. I'm always up during the night too." She said: "I know you would've. However I can't do your SoC's tonight, and I appologize you'll have to do them next time, sorry." So, I planted my seeds of succession into her while she was still ripe. (I should say I was weaseling my way into the upper eschelons of Managerial positions...I know that isn't going to sound right..) So things were finally getting BACK to normal.....until we get a call from the cops! Yes THE cops, the officers whom serve us in thebright shiney badges. A fight had taken place outside of our McDonalds on our property, and no one reported it. Where it happened almost noone inside could see, so of course the blame was put on Tiffany AGAIN,and the cops made her call the store Manager named Pipn (Pernounced Pee-In). Of course being woke up at night is nothing morethan a bothersome ordeal, however having to listen to copsand Tiffany sure would drive a wedge between their relationship....Anyway...Things settled down, and when I left someMORE teenagers were lounging outside our restraunt. Okay, listen, our McDonalds is VERY, VERY clean and one of the best ones I've seen, however at night some VERY crazy things happen. Lots of drama, fights, homeless, and in one case anangry drunk came in threatening employee's. Well, what ever, I know I'll live because my motto is: "First to run, last to die."