Well today was a pretty good day which seems to be getting rarer day by day. I woke up and watched my BRAND NEW DVD that came yesterday of an anime that is of THE HIGHEST quality called Scrapped Princess. I at first was kinda thrown off by it's light heartedness as I was afraid it was going to be too happy go lucky no point for me. However I was VASTLY wrong about it, I was thrown off many times by how many dark themes were hidden in it, how real it seemed, how sinnister some of the plot twists truly were. You never, NEVER know how people will act in this anime, because often the nicest are the most cruel, it's got a major cast too. THere's so much going on it feels like you're lost every bit of the way, lost in it's wondrous lore. The animation quality is EXTREMELY well done and VERY FEW anime's EVER have this level of quality. The soundtrack as well is INCREDIBLE, and they actually put effort into it. The voice work done is on par with everything else from everyone like Kari Wahlgen, Steven Jay Blum, Crispin Freeman, Yuri Lowenthal, and other major named actors. I was DEFINITELY left with a feeling to buy the next DVD, and I will DO so until I've completed it, this is a rarity that comes along every so often, I will NOT pass this chance up!
Well after eating, and showering before my mother came home, I decided to plop down and play my new Game Soul Nomad: And The World Eaters, I got a call. It was from my work, I was delighted to see them call me because it meant I'd get more hours, little did I know it'd get them alright...So I was 45 minutes late to my shift I had today, because I misread one of the days I worked because it's in military time. I thought I had the day off but I was supposed to be in at about 5PM, I got there at about 6PM...It was 5minutes until dinner at the time, so I never got to eat...I couldn't eat at work either or else they would've been EXTREMELY angry, especially during dinner rush. :D So I got my only break at about 9:30, 30minutes until I was going to leave.... :D Yay, starving lil' ol me!! This totally hunky urban kid walked by me while I was cleaning the lobby, and he had on colonge, and my GOD!! I cought a wiff of it by breathing, and I was like OH MY GOD!!! I was like DAYUM!! It wassexy tosay the least. I would'vetalked to him if I wasn't in my oh so sex appealing McDonalds uniform midlife crisis' wear. -_-;
Now I'm back home catching up on GS, starting to feel overwhelemed by the SHEAR size of emails I'm getting....I love you all, don't get me wrong. :) Now I've FINALLY cought up with PBR's! Yay!!! :D Also I am trying to catch up on anything, so If I've missed something please tell me. Overall my day has been pretty good, which again-is a rarity it seems.
Catch you all later~