I just saw and wrote about the very highly anticipated game Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, for which we got the first video and first video developer interview. Starting in a few hours, I'll be rubbing even more elbows with even more game developers, when the expo floor for Game Developers Conference 2005 opens.
It's going to be a very exciting show this year. People apparently can't seem to stop talking about next-generation consoles--especially considering that Microsoft VP J Allard and Nintendo president Satoru Iwata will be giving the event's keynote addresses. Whether or not those wonderful next-generation consoles make an actual appearance on the show floor remains to be seen, but I don't doubt we'll hear some real updates between the first day of GDC's expo and the last day of E3. At the latest.
In the meantime, there have already been a few surprises, like the very gutsy new venture by Ageia to create not only a physics engine for games, but an actual physical PPU unit that consumers are expected to purchase and install in their computers. I find the idea of separate "physics accelerator" hardware just as surprising as you do, but 15 years ago, I'm not sure I would have expected the 3D GPU market (complete with the Nvidia vs. ATI rivalry) to become what it is today either. I'll be very interested to hear more about the PPU, as well as the engine, considering that it powers Unreal Engine 3. That's in addition to the burgeoning mobile scene, which will result in coverage of plenty of cool mobile coverage on the site before the week is out.
There will be more intriguing developments coming out of the show between now and this Friday, March 11. I invite you to keep an eye on GameSpot, or more specifically, GameSpot's GDC 2005 center, to keep up to date on all PC, console, and mobile developments we dig up.