Not a whole lot of time to go super in-depth here, but for the faithful, here's the short list of what you should be keeping an eye out for:
Spore - If you don't know why, click the link and read the game's description. Easily one of the most ambitious game projects ever proposed, could be revolutionary if it's actually released with half the functionality it promises.
Supreme Commander - The spiritual successor to the classic strategy game Total Annihilation. And it's looking really good. Check our recent exclusive preview for details.
Crysis - The graphics wizards behind Far Cry get their hands on DirectX 10. This is the result.
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - Obvious. Right?
Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars - Finally, C&C returns!
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars - The creator of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory teaming up with the creator of Quake, using enhanced Doom 3/Quake 4 tech and Battlefield-style vehicles. Looking pretty good. See our recent exclusive look at vehicles for more details.
Unreal Tournament 2007 - So what if it's also on the PS3? It'll look better and play better on a high-end PC, and mod makers will extend the life of the game for months, if not years.
Company of Heroes - Slam-bang action in a strategy game where you DON'T have to babysit your little guys. What a concept.
Age of Conan - Massively multiplayer decapitations, mastodon battles, tavern brawls, and a 20-hour single-player game if you don't feel like going online.
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos - Huge real-time strategy featuring massive territorial battles, demons, and rat-men. Yes, rat-men.
Battlefield 2142 - Battlefield with mechs. You're either in or you're out.
Rise of Legends - Truly evolved strategy from one of the best strategy designers in the business.
Neverwinter Nights 2 - RPG sequel that will offer much more of what the first game offered. Being developed by the creators of Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment, which is definitely not a bad thing.
Hellgate: London - A crazy hybrid of first-person shooter and Diablo. Made by the guys who made Diablo.
Medieval 2: Total War - The sequel to a great epic strategy game, from the creator of Rome: Total War.
There are a few others that I can't mention right now, and maybe a few others you might feel I've forgotten. Let me know which ones by posting a reply below. See you next week.