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Wii will rock you!! (UPDATED CHECK IT OUT)

Well today was the day alot of people have been waiting for, the Wii conference in New York. So heres the run down: In the box you get the Wii console, a Wiimote+nunchuck analog attachment, Wii sports (which has baseball, tennis, golf, boxing which plays like a motion based punch out, and bowling) the AV (spose to be component functional too like the Xbox 360 premium cables) and power cables, and I think a stand all for $249.99. The release date? November 19th so mark those calenders.

Another really tight feature are the different channels used to look around the wii system (like the guide menu for the 360). Theres a wii weather channel (real weather in your area) a wii news channel (real news in your area) the disk channel (where you go to activate the Wii or Gamecube game in your system), the Opera net browser channel (the internet browser), the Wii store channel (you can buy and download classic and maybe new games and other things) and the Mii channel. The Mii channel is pretty important since you actually make an avatar of yourself or whoever there, and its actually saved to the controller. You can use this avatar to play wii sports, wario ware, or a bunch of other titles coming in the future. Its even got a built in message board feature. So I know what im gonna be doing while eating turkey this thanksgiving :D

(UPDATE) check this out! Brand new Zelda Wii footage, complete with new music:[video=K3c7n2er5bsEujHZ]

Also im planning on making a Legend of Nintendo: Wii's awakening video for launch day. Theres a small bit of it already in my video section, so check that for a small preview.