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E3 poll: Peter Moore in a monkey suit ?

The time of E3 is upon us and speculations run wild.

We all remember Peter Moore sporting his GTA IV tattoo on stage, and the topic of exclusives are as hot as ever.

So I decided to make a little poll. Folks without humor (or 360 owners) might want to skip it ;)

What do you think the chances are that at this years E3, Peter Moore will jump about on stage in a monkey suit and then stick a banana up his tailpipe. All to celebrate an exclusive Ape Escape game on the 360:

1: More likely than MS releasing quality products that don't catch on fire

2: Less likely than Sony or Nintendo getting out of the gaming business

3: Couldn't care less

Answers can be submitted anonymously to the soul of the universe, where it will be stored forever..


I admit I am a FanBoy.

I currently own a PS2 and a DS. I have access to play xbox, PC and Gamecube.

My point is that people limiting them self to only one format or machine are fanboys as it is widely talked about.

I am a FanBoy of gaming. I play good games wherever they are available.

I have already decided to buy a PS3. I would buy a Wii too, it is not a matter of money. I am not rich, but I just haven't got time to devote myself to two machines. I will get my Nintendo fix from the DS.

So, as a FanBoy of gaming, the 360 loses out. There just aren't enough good games and then there isn't any point in having one. MS have had a good advance launch over the other consoles, but have done little.

When Sony and Nintendo release their machines MS will have nothing to hide behind. If they don't get their act together they will be last. As last time. The xbox had a little shinier and smooth graphics, but PS2 and Gamecube had all the good games.