i have had an xbox 360 for like 3 years now, it is a good machine and allows me to do all I want. I do want a PS3 but the machine doesn't have enough to distinguish itself from the xbox 360, in terms of forking out another £300. (Please dont mention blu ray, yes i know it looks nice, but at £18 a film bite me) What i would say is that with Resistance 2, and the up and coming Kill Zone 2 and God Of War 3, the exclusives are definitely with Sony for the 1st half of the year.
This is what multi platform is going bring us.. run of the mill games, with more emphasis put on how many people they can sell it to, rather then how far they can push a console to make the game as good as it can be ... example Army of Poo
In the case of the Orange Box Set... Chris Taylor the Valve Guru as been very damning of the PS3 hardware, there was a good article some time back. This is why Valve gave the Orange Box set to EA to code. In Theory the PS3 as alot more potential, but potential doesnt mean nothing if you dont produce and at the moment with its latest "exclusive game" HAZE falling flat on its face, Sony need Metal Gear to Pull not just a rabbit out of its hat.. but god dam miracle.
Andy018's comments