Just posting my hypothetical season six for the Teen Titans animated series. This was original posted in a thread on that show's forum. Moving it hear for convenience.
1. Skool Daze (Part I)
The Titans find a lead on where Blackfire is, and it's not somewhere she should be: the Galactic Police Training Institute. The Titans set out to find out why she's there and
why she's posing as a metahuman from earth named "Cammy Anders"...
2. Skool Daze (Part II)
Starfire and Blackfire confront each other on the field of a huge blur-ball match with East Thanagar, and as they destroy the stadium, the Titans discover corruption within the school centered around a genetics teacher called Cerul. The crap hits the fan, Blackfire beats Starfire up until the Titans intervene, and then, Blackfire swears revenge.
3. Jericho's Walls
When some particularly nasty Lovecraftian entitities attack Herald's home dimension, he enlists the help of a reluctant Jericho, and through his powers of possession, an anceint warrior. The Titans West help out as well.
Notable scene: When Jericho leaves the Titans Tower with his father, the man turns around; he has white hair and a beard, and a patch over his right eye. He looks directly at Robin with his left, and Robin goggles. Then he and Jericho walk into the sunset, fade to black.
4. Love Hurts
Cyborg and Jinx have been exchanging romantic emails, and Jinx finally decides to join the Titans West, though Robin doesn't entirely trust her and Raven is annoyed. Jinx has to prove herself in a big way when the Five, unfrozen and having realized their inpotency without Jinx, thrash and capture Cyborg in attempt to get Jinx back.
5. Bludhaven
(Assumes Titans Robin is Tim Drake) The modern Nightwing is injurred in Bludhaven, so Robin and Starfire head off to take his place, leaving Cyborg in command of the Titans. But Bludhaven is a very different town than Jump City, and it's going to take more than just Starbolts and birdarangs to defend it. Mild Robin/Star fluff in parts.
6. Sebastian
While Cyborg is leading the Titans in Jump City, a new teenage Brother Blood moves in and begins draining the soul energy of those with black hearts in order to ressurect 'Skath', and with more alcolytes than the first Blood, the understaffed Titans have their work cut out for them. Nightwing, Robin, and Starfire show up in the end to help with the big fight.
7. Jabberwokcy
Speedy has a new girlfriend, but the Titans East are investigating a strange series of attacks on influential businessmen, both corrupt and legit, all around Steel City.
And... Well, maybe Roy should look into this Jade "Nixon" a little more closely.[size=3]For she is Cheshire[/size]
8. Ides of March
On March 15th, (which is of course the worst day ever) Jinx wakes up to find that all the original five Titans are missing. She inlists the help of Kid Flash and together they search based on clues, and believe the culprit to be Quiz Kid, and end up angering every villain in town. (many have been unfrozen, tried, and escaped prison)...
In the end, it's revealed that the Titans were never kidnapped, but that they had discovered Jinx's real identity and her birthday, which was March 15th, and therefore threw her a surprise party/initiation that she had to find. Jinx and KF are furious, but their anger is short lived, because the villains suddenly crash the party and the Titans give them a thrashing.
9. Alpha and Omega Men
While Robin returns to Gotham to deal with some personal demons, the Omega Men, including Starfire's brother Ryand'r (Redfire) arrive in Jump City and announce that the Citadel and Gordanians have attacked Tamaran. They ask for assistance, and Starfire leaves to defend her people.
10. Old Flame
Starfire finds an old flame, Karras, while fighting the war, and realizes that his computer skills could be immensely useful in a brilliant but risky and terrible plan she has concocted. Meanwhile, Robin disreguards the safety of Jump City in favor of helping Starfire, and leaves only a skeletal force of Raven, Jinx, and Beast Boy in the city.
11. Judas Contract
As it becomes increasinly apparent that the Gordanians and Citadel have an uncanny knowledge of Tamaranian warfare and protocol, Starfire begins to fear the worst...
And those fears are confirmed when the Omega Men discover it is Blackfire who advises the Gordanian High Lord Trogar and in turn the Citadel. Blackfire captures the Omega Men and uses them as bait to lure Starfire into a trap. But can she sit by while her evil sister holds her brother's life in the hands of angry Gordanians?
12. Ethics
Cyborg and Karras, though very uncertain of whether they are doing the right thing, complete Starfire's master plan under the supervision of Emperor Galfore: the Locrix machine race is fully repaired and reprogrammed to attack the Citadel and Gordanians.
Problem: Val-Yor doesn't like this, and he lets the duo of geniuses know it in a big way when he arrives and goes medieval on them. Thankfully, there was one thing he didn't count on: Galfore--the biggest "Troq" around.
Notable scene: Galfore kick's Val-Yor's but halfway across Sention.
13. Malignancy*
The Gordanians rotued and Citadel in shambles, he Titans are finally back on earth and thinking they can rest easy when Cerul, the geneticist from the Institute shows up on Earth, searching for revenge. And he's brought a new pal with him: a massive cancerous tumor given mild sentience and a huge appetite for flesh, aptly called Malignancy.
*Malignancy the character was created by Chrissie Brynn, a firend of mine. Used with permission.