Titans Tomorrow: Season Three
1. Iniquity Inque
After her most recent defeat by Batman, Inque and some of the less sucsessful members of Iniquity Inc. (led by Inque) begin travel across the country looking for a city to call their own, getting defeated by the original Titans or other adult heroes along the way. Eventually they find their way to Jump City and set up shop there. (Villian/Comedy episode) Special guests: Flash (formerly Kid Flash, voiced by Mike Rosenbaum), Starfire, (voiced by Hynden Walch) Wonder Woman III (Cassie, voiced by Jessica Di Cicco), Natasha Irons(voiced by Cree Summer) (Steel II), Arsenal (formerly Speedy, and his sidekick the new Speedy, both voiced by Mike Erwin), Hotspot etc.
2. Reckless Endangerment
Claire has gradually become more and more violent, and nobody knows for sure why. Eventually, the Titans learn that her parents were recently murdered by a street gang, and Claire is going for revenge. While the Titans can understand her feelings, Claire is teetering on the brink of the abyss, and she's putting innocent people in danger in the process.
3. Capoeria
A group of assassins trained in the ways of ninjitsu have been putting pressure on the Titans to clear out or be the next to face their wrath. Unfortunately, the Titans are busy dealing with the Iniquity Inc. splinter cell and fear there may be more to the assassins than just honoring ninja tradition. (Guest Voice: Kelly Hu as Lady Shiva)
4. Coup D'état
The Titans take the fight to Lady Shiva's doorstep, even as she sends the League of Shadows best assassins around the world to simultaneously assassinate all the leaders of all nations in order to gain absolute power for the organization that used to belong to Ra's Al Ghul. The Titans are able to get word out to the rest of the world, however, and the superhero youth of the nation is able to hold back the assassins until help can arrive. Shiva escapes the Titans... Only to be attacked by Slade, who declares himself the new leader of the League of Shadows.
5. Lights Out
Abandoned by Deathknell the Conquerer, the Light Brigade's new leader, Hector Light (son of Dr. Light, and just as twisted) decides to send a message to their former master and his defection to the League of SHadows by plunging every city across America into a sea of darkness by having memebers invade major power plants... And activate an unkown device. Soon, the only sources of light in all Jump City are members of the Light Brigade themselves, and they aren't happy about sharing. Worse, the government is threatening to declare martial law against the Light Brigade if power is not restored soon.
6. Gilgamesh (I)
A villain calling himself Gilgamesh announces his intentions to flood Jump City. Once submerged, he says, he will be unstopable. The Titans rush to confront him, eventually infiltrating his organization via Phaeism's shifting powers... And discover that 'Gilgamesh' looks almost identical to Aqualad.
7.Gilgamesh (II)
Soon after the Titans arrive, their cover as alcolytes his blown, and they are captured and forced to fight in an arena-esque battle against foes that Gilgamesh claims have never been beaten. The Titans manage to defeat them however, until the final foe is brought out--a young man nearly identical to Gilgamesh, but shackled and wearing a mind control helmet. Gilgamesh calls him 'brother.'
8. Gilgamesh (III)
As the battle between the 'brother' and Gilgamesh ensues, Gilgamesh flees to a giant airship harnessed to a machine that will allow him to flood the city. The brother reveals that he and Gilgamesh are really Zen and Kane, descendants of Aqualad. The Titans are able to free him, and with Zen's help, they fend of the alcolytes and storm Gilgamesh's airship. Gilgamesh falls from the airship to his apparent deat, and Zen joins the Titans, calling himself simply 'Gill'.
9. State of Matter
While Iniquity Inc.'s Jump City splinter cell is in the process of robbing a bank for much-needed funds, their desperation causes them to make some stupid mistakes and most of them are captured. However, Inque escapes and the only one who can pursue her is the other shape-shifter, Phaeism. The two pursue each other through the the Undercity, eventually having it out in a massive struggle. In a final, unrelated scene, Slade is seen standing with a still-warm plasma rifle over the corpse of the general from "Lights Out", gloating that 'now he has the power'...
10. Justice
Slade (Deathknell) declares war on all crime, using the imbedded micro ship in the general's left hand to reprogram the automated attack units to both defend him and attack criminals. The Light Brigade members still loyall to Slade and the League of Shadows members all attack, shuting down the nation's ability to defend itself from the crisis. In the end of the world's, only the various modern Titans escape capture. And together, they agree they need a plan.
11. Blink, And You'll Miss It
The new Kid Flash, Niki Chambers, is having trouble sticking to the 'orders' of the Jump City Titans, her impulsive nature getting her in trouble. But when her brash actions chance upon a chance to hit Deathknell's forces hard, will she take it, or will she find herself in over her head.
12. Youth of the Nation
The Titans from all around the world hit hard and fast at the targets they had planned on. That Deathknell over looked them(them being mere children, after all) drives the old man into a rage, and he redoubles his efforts, capturing some of the Titans and managing to destroy Superboy completely with an experimental weapon... But for Deathknell, it's too little too late, and harming Kevin was by far his worst mistake.
13. Smells Like Teen Spirit
As the Titans are knocking on Slade's doorstep, he tries to flee and start over... Until a revealed-to-be-alive Lady Shiva arrives and thwarts his escape. In one last ditch effort, Slade calls all the army's drones to himself from across the country to rid himselves of the Titans once and for all... Until suddenly, Superboy returns from the 31st century... With the Legion of Superheroes! As his army is destroyed, Slade attempts to run but is attacked by Robin, and the two fight. Slade suddenly realizes that at thsi point, he cannot escape capture, and instead chooses to end his own life by standing on the launch pad of a rocket as it goes up. The Titans celebrate their victory (and the fact that Superboy isn't dead) with waffles.
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