@Pierce_Sparrow: David Harbour said something mean about the rancid cheeto in the white house, ergo a movie starring him that's bad... despite his performance being one of the few things gaining praise... is somehow the result of that?
I don't fucking know I don't try and figure out the logic of Trump supporters.
@Kyrylo: I'm not sure where you're getting that notion? The first game was super politically charged and the same writer is back for the new one. Hell, Vampire has always been a game about politics, sometimes to the point of edgy bullshit in the TableTop iteration. I've even heard that the game lets you choose your own gender pronouns which is sure to rile up assholes on the internet.
@aross2004: ...wait what? Where did you get 'turn-based combat' from? Vampire Bloodlines doesn't have turn based combat.
As for it not being open world, it was structured like an open world game; it just wasn't built that way because the Source engine wasn't designed to run open world games. You had a series of hub areas that you could travel freely between akin to Deus Ex.
@aross2004: In terms of genre, yeah? It's a first/third person action-RPG with an emphasis on player choice. It's just more linear due to not being open world.
@redhedjack: Uh... you realize the whole reason Gunn's tweets were dug up in the first place is because he was attacked for being a 'stupid SJW' by some right-wing hacks on Twitter.
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