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AndyHughes666 Blog

Brain training & emblems

brain training seems to be really popular (according to nintendo) and as sad as i am to admit, i own both. so for a month i'm gonna try out going on it each day to see if i recognise any improvement in my brain power. very interesting.

E3 sony press con. was great. lotsa cool games seem to be ps3 bound. kinda annoyed me how the word exclusive was used quite a lot - especially on the timed exclusives such as unreal and haze. all in all it was good. and i got a snazzy new emblem which is an added bonus!!!

PlayStation 3 delays again????

usually i do not blog so much on web sites other than MSN spaces, but with the news of a PS3 delay in my native Europe, i had to air my voice.

since its initial announcement, i really got excited about its release, no matter how long i had to wait. Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 were enough to convince me to purchase one. Sony's latest "piss-taking" allows me to save up for the PS3, which is great, since as of now i am skint, and i shouldn't be by March.

it's not just Sony who can annoy me in the gaming world. for example, ghostlight and atlus for not releasing Shin Megami Tensei: Digita Devil Saga 2 sooner han this quarter. playing the first one, i got the impression the only changes made to the US version was the box art. no change was made in game it seemed, for example the game still had the US spellings for "realise" and similar words. although the game itself is wonderful, with great voice acting, particularly from the characters Gale, Heat, Argilla and Sera (who i instantly recognised as being the same voice actress as Xianghua's, incidentally my favourite character from the Soul Calibur series.)

please Sony release the PS3 sooner than March!

that is all from this inspired-by-the-BBC-news blog


Gamespot memberships work with other CNET sites???

well last time my blog was pretty boring, hopefully this time it should be a little more boring....

well i joined Gamespot in February 2005, on the 1st (wow same day as a friend's birthday.) when i joined i am sure it was not for the same reason i am a member now. well on with the topic: so i go away beginning of July, and come back sometime in August. and what do i find? my profile actually counts for two other CNET sites.... weird.

in a way it is a cool idea, people can see what games you like, then click on the link to your profile (or and see what you like in music (or TV.) come to think of it, that's great!

well if there is one thing i have realised from this site, is that publishers/developers take too long in localising for UK release, after all the US and UK both speak english. it should not be too hard to change the spelling of "realise" (or realize in the US) for the UK market.

well anyways, this is all for my second ever gamespot/ blog post.


well, i guess this is the first post...

....but not much to mention:( (i have a blog already)

well, a little about myself. i'm called Andy, and my favourite game series is Final Fantasy.. obvious, huh?

so a little about my other blog, well it's a MSN space, and there are quite a few different slide shows on it. check it out

i guess that's all for now

do widzenia (it's Polish by the way)