Well, first of all, it's been some time since I posted a blog or done something, I think it's been around 3 months. There was no reason for that, I was everyday on Internet, I was even visitng GS every second day, but I just didn't visited my profile. I think I will return to my former rutine of posting a blog at least once in two weeks, read your blogs, comment them (to be honest, that's what I missed at most, I just like to read blogs and then to leave long comments :lol: ). I glad to come back :). In the last three months nothing much happend, I played most time the DS, mostly because of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days which I have beated in 80 hours, from October to November, and I really liked the game, especially the friendship stroy between the main characters. Aside of that game I just got few new games like Scribelnauts, TloZ: Spirit tracks, tec., but from the big games it was only Dragon Age: Origins, and I love it!
I still don't have a console, I remember a blog from a year and half when I said that I will get a PS3 :P, but at least my friend has a X360 so I can play some of the games. I also play Final Fantasy VII now, and I can't wait the game which got 39/40 from Famitsu and already has sold 1,698,256 units and is comming out on March 9th. I think you already know which game is it :). It looks great, and I never was dissapointed from SE. I celebrated new year with my friends and it rocked, and btw. a happy new year! This last year was fantastic when it comes to games, and I was suprised to see which game got GOTY from GS, Demon's Soul is a great game but is it really better then Dragon Age or Uncharted 2? Well, I can live with the result. I would like to make my GotY award blog but curently I don't have time.
My game of the year would be Dragon Age: Origins
I was also suprised to see a PM on December 10th which said I was nominated for GameSpoter of the year! Well I knew that I don't have a chance to get the most votes but at least I wasn't the last one :) link.
The reason why I made this blog was that today is my 2 year anniversary since I created an account on this site (yeah, I know it says it was yesterday, but I know better when I joined and I have the last year anniversary blog as a proof). It was one more great year on GS, many friends left GS, many others joined. Last year I wrote something about my best friends which I gained on this site, this time I'm not doing it but I think you people know that most of you would be in there :). I really hope we stay friends. Like last year I plan to make my list of most anticipated games of 2010 (my 2009 most anticipated games) and out of 15 games I listed last year, 5 are comming this year. And again like last year, I think to make some stats about my profile (not the one we have in the "about me" section). But let's s my stats from the "About Me" section and how much I improved since my last year anniversary:
- Profile views: 5078 (went up by 3637)
- Friends: 138 (went up by 34)
- People Tracking Me: 177 (went up by 73)
- Games in Collection: 321 (went down by 27)
- Forum Posts: 4721 (went uo by 1987)
- Comments: 810 (went up by 502)
- My Blog Posts: 54 (went up by 24)
- Union Blog Posts: 84 (went up by 19)
- Emblems: 23 (went up by 9)
- Level: 25 at 14% (went up by 5 levels)
- Written Reviews: 7 (went up by 5)
- Rated Games: 195 (went up by 19)
- Videos Uploaded: 1 (N/A)
- Images Uploaded: 0 (N/A)
- Digg Referrals: 0 (N/A)
- Tags: 635 (went up by 151)
Well, this is it, see ya on your blogs (I missed a lot :|).