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6th monthly blog, April edition

***If you haven't already entered that way, click on the title or this link and then read ;)***

I didn't made one the last month, I really didn't had time and it was kinda dumb to post in middle of the month :P. In this one I will show the purchase and gaming progress of the last two months(the purchase aren't fused together). Hope you have fun (or at least not bored) while you read/look this blog. Also yesterday we had Labor day like in most of Europa and I wasn't at home, I had some fun with my friends outside the city. I wanted to post the blog on April 31 but I dumb error showed up and I didn't had time so I just saved the blog and corrected it a bit.Well see ya on the boards and blogs.

New adquisitions


Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Boxshot
GS score: --


Empire: Total War---------Age of Empires II: Gold Edition------Tom Clancy's EndWar--------------
Empire: Total War BoxshotGS score: 8.5Age of Empires II: Gold Edition BoxshotGS score: 9.1Tom Clancy's EndWar BoxshotGS score: 6.0

The Lord of the Rings: Conquest---Grand Theft Auto IV-----------Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest BoxshotGS score: -- Grand Theft Auto IV BoxshotGS score: 9.0Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box BoxshotGS score: 9.0


FO3-Operation Anchorage-----------Braid--------------------------Dawn of War II-------------------

GS score: -- GS score: -- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II BoxshotGS score: 8.5


Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars-----Big Bang Mini---------------------------
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars BoxshotGS score: 9.5Big Bang Mini BoxshotGS score: 9.0

New magazine

GamePlay No.77


Profile Progress
Begin of March---------------------------------------------------------------End of April
(the stat pic's are bad this month :( screw it :P)

Participant in 2008 Readers' Choice Awards.

FIRST in 2009!

Blogs written in this month:
February Monthly Blog(March 3) - 34 comments
ReFuture - One console?(March 16) - 35 comments
I've been tagged + more informations and reasons of my inactivity(March 29) - 18 comments
Delivery immediately(April 18 ) - 22 comments
Did you know?(April 23) - 22 comments

Gaming Progress

Games I played:

Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories Boxshot
I just have beat the game in Riku's story.

Fallout 3
Fallout 3 Boxshot
Have played some 30 hours of it this month

Final Fantasy II(IV because it's the SNES version)
Final Fantasy II Boxshot
Some 13 hours in it at the part where (*spoiler*) I need to stop Golbez so
that he don't get the last crystal (dark crystal in the undergound).

Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings Boxshot
Bean playing to recall times when I was a freak for this game and to remember
the previous RTS games because I bought 3 more :D

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Boxshot
The game is just awesome, one more great RTS :D

Empire: Total War
Empire: Total War Boxshot
One more great RTS for the PC :D

Tom Clancy's EndWar
Tom Clancy's EndWar Boxshot
Again a RTS but this one isn't that great, maybe on the
console where there isn't such a strong competition


The game is just awesome :D.

Big Bang Mini
Big Bang Mini Boxshot
The game is fun and full of content.

Games I finished:

Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories Boxshot
The game isn't something special, but me as a big KH fan it was a good story connector even after I played KH: CoM for GBA, but if you new to the series I don't recommend you this one 'cause the battle system is different then from the main series.
My score: 8.0
Sora story: about 40 hours
Riku story: about15 hours
Overall: 55 hours


Haven't played such a good 2D platform for long time :D. I really recommend you to play it if you able but be aware for me it was a bit short 'cause puzzle games and games which are connected to puzzlesare my strenght :P I beat them always very quickly and without a walkthrough.
My score: 9.5
Played: about 5 hours

AnelZukic's April Awards

Fallout 3
Fallout 3 Boxshot
I had fun at most with this game this month.

Rydia from FF IV gets this award this month


Cecil from FF IV :D

Riku's keyblade "Souleater"

Golbez from FF IV (till now)

Hey, let the nose go :lol: :P

What else, I knew it is great but I was sceptic when GS
gave it so much awards but it really deserve them :D.

Why didn't FF XIII demo came out in Europa or at least NA
(I know that it is comming but why not in the same time)

"U don't blog too often, but when u do its always a great read :D"
Hey Nicholai, thanks ;)

Square Enix (developer and publisher of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and other great game) finally bought Eidos the developer of Tomb Raider and Hitman games (and some other of course).

Final Fantasy
The demo came out and this word was the word that I said at most, in real life and on interent.

What was April like for you?

So that's all for this month and see ya ;). And it's here where you can find the other monthly blogs from other people.