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#7 Monthly Blog, Part 2

*link to part 1*


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It's all because of you!

GameSpot stamped me as remarkable!

The great rebellion of human vs robot has begun!

Virtually There: E3 2009 Microsoft Conference
I've watched Sony and Nintendo but since I'm 16 I wasn't able to watch it while looged in :(:P.

Blogs written since last monthly blog:
6th monthly blog, April edition(May 2) - 26 comments
Constructive gaming(May 14) - 23 comments
So young and died, may he R.I.P.(May 20) - 25 comments
E3 - Microsoft, Electronics Arts & Ubisoft(June 2) - 17 comments
E3 - Nintendo & Sony(June 17) - 0 comments
It passed some time...(June 17) - 15 comments
Professional gamer(June 18 )- 24 comments

Gaming Progress

Games I played since last Monthly blog:

Half-Life: Counter-Strike
Half-Life: Counter-Strike Boxshot
Played some 15 Hours Counter-Strike over net with friends.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Boxshot
Have spend some 5 hours in the campaign mode, finishing the soviet campaign and comming to half of the allies campaign.

X-Blades Boxshot
Have played an hour and half of this bad game.

Cryostasis: The Sleep of Reason
Cryostasis: The Sleep of Reason Boxshot
This slow-paced game deserves to be played but when you have time, I played only 3:37 hours, so I still have a long way to go.

Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead Boxshot
Played some 5 hours of this shooter.

Worms 2
Worms 2 Boxshot
Have played about 10 hours of this brilliant game, of course multyplayer :D

And Yet It Moves
And Yet It Moves Boxshot
Have played this game more then an hour before I have encounterd an error.

The Sims 3
The Sims 3 Boxshot
Unlike my sister and cousin who together have spend more then 60 hours on this game, I only played this game 10 hours.

Overlord II
Overlord II Boxshot
Only played a bit to see the atmosphere of the game which is great and deserves to be played. I played 2:36 hours

Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite Boxshot
A great game which I played on the PS2, but I found a copy of it for PC and bought it and again I'm enjoying it. Played about 6-7 hours.

Ceville Boxshot
A great point&click adventure game, which can match up to Monkey Island. If you like the genre this is an apsolute must have (the game isn't out anywhere outside of Europe). I played some 3:50 hours. Still have a long way to go.

Games I finished since my last monthly blog:

Final Fantasy II(aka Final Fantasy IV)
Final Fantasy II Boxshot
Have beat the game
Time played: 25:02 hours
My score: 9.0

Chrono Trigger
Chrono Trigger Boxshot
Have beat the game 3 times
First Walkthough - Time played: 33:46 hours, original ending
Second Walkthough - Time played: 29:05 hours, Resurection ending
Third Walkthough - Time played: about 40 minutes, Programers Room ending
My score: 10

Fallout 3
Fallout 3 Boxshot
Have complitely beated the game, 100% along with Operation Anchorage and The Pitt. That would be as a Platinum Trophie on PS3 or 1000/1000 archievements in X360 (+ 2 DLC's) :).
Time played: 147.25.30 hours (on which OA about 5 hours, TP about 7 hours)
My score: 9.5

World of Goo
World of Goo Boxshot
Have beat thisexcellent game.
Time played: 8.34.06 hours
My score: 9.5

Monkey Island: Special
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition Boxshot
The all time c1assic hit from 1990 form Lucas Arts got a remake, and what a remake it is. A game which is made by a legend, Tim Shefer, is a must have for any adventure fan. Have beat the game.
Time played: 8.53.45 hours
My score: 9.0

Tom Clancy's HAWX
Tom Clancy's HAWX

Unlike many, I really enjoyed this arcade flight game, made by Ubisoft Romania. Have beat the game.
Time played: 8-10 hours
My score: 8.5

AnelZukic's Monthly Awards

May Fallout 3 Boxshot
June World of Goo Boxshot
July Chrono Trigger Boxshot& The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition Boxshot
4 games this time in this section :lol:

Obviusly I couldn't just pick one :lol: C & C Red Alert always knew who to pick up :P

My name is Guybrush Threepwood and want to be a pirate :P

Planes from Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

Lavos from Chrono Trigger

Transformer 2 Revenge of the fallen isn't a movie which will be rememberd but it was the best I watched since I watch a low number of movies per month

I watched again the first 3 session (I still watch the 3rd one), and I still love it like in the past :)

Hide away, the squirels are comming :o :| :P

Dragon Quest IX Boxshot
Dragon Quest IX gets a perfect 40 from Japanise gaming magazine Famitsu.

Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty Boxshot
Starcraft II delayed for the first half of 2010 :(

AnelZukic - I love your very long comments. Too bad this isn't very long. I love Kingdom Hearts, and you sure are one amazing dude. Wait, you are a dude, right? Because I have a habit of thinking Kingdom Hearts fans are guys and then finding out that they are women.

Bioshockraptor's "Blog #100: The Best Blog of Them All"

Steven Spielberg directing the Halo movie???

My summer holiday which was full of fun and joy, but it's ending on, probably, September 1.

Would you like to see a new generation of home consoles, but the price of games would be raised to $100, or would you like that this generation lives until 2015 and the prices stay the same (although I heard that Modern Warfare 2 will cost £55 in UK, a raise of £10, which is almost $120)

This is all for this monthly blog :) and if you want to visit the other monthly blog visit this link.