As always I'm late with my monthly blogs :P. Well it was quite an intresting month, school started, had a lot of fun and all that comes with that. The summer is going away but I still can enjoy temperature above 20*C. The were some intresting news also, and yesterday was the 10th anniversary of Dreamcast, that console was way underrated by public. Also GameSpot's new feature "All-time greatest Video Game Hero" was also unpredictable. Master Chief lost in round 1, Pac Man head on head against Kirby, and now Sonic lossing against the same characters which won against Matser Chief aka Bub & Bob and Cloud has a hard time against Little Mac. Now let the MB starts :):
New Adquisitions
- Yay, I got the "Overall Monthly Blog of Month" :D
Stats Progress
What? OTS is evolving!
Rock the Vote!!
Blogs written since last Monthly Blog:
#7 Monthly Blog, Part 1(August 12) - 28 comments
#50 blog: Genre Countdown with #10(August 17) - 16 comments
#9 of genre countdown(August 21) - 18 comments
#8 of genre countdown(August 26) - 19 comments
#7 of genre countdown(August 29) - 23 comments
Gaming Progress
Games I played since last monthly blog:
Left 4 Dead
Played about 2 hours by my friend on X360 and unlocked only about 100G :P
Digimon World DS
A game which gets pretty low scores from critics but high from fans :D I played almost 30 hours and still have to play
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
I just loved this game and it hasn't changed this time also, no wonder it got a 9.2 from GS :)
Super Mario RPG
I really like this game :D
Final Fantasy III(aka VI)
Wow, what a game :D
Games I finished since my last Monthly Blog:
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Have beat the game
Time played: 19:50
My score: 9.0
Super Mario RPG
Have beat the game
Time played: about 17-20 hours
My score: 9.0
Final Fantasy III(aka VI)
Have beat this masterpiece
Time played: 55:08
My score: 10
AnelZukic's August Awards
What a game, I think I can only say that and that I recommend this game
for every RPG lover (althoigh I think every RPG gamer has played it :P)
Celes from Final Fantasy VI
Locke from Final Fantasy VI
Probably the most insane character ever
Can't find a pic but it's the magacites from Final Fantasy VI
The last time Digimon, this time Naruto Shippuden
If it should never fail, then why prepare an error message and put it in the operating system? :P
Since I can't get something better: Master Chief lossing to Bub & Bob in GS ATG
C'mon Microsoft, Only announcing Fable III on GamesCom and again it wants a strong market in Europa, no wonder PlayStation is dominant over here.
Marvel been bough by Dinsey?
A $4 billion takeover, never saw this coming
GamesCom held in Germany, Cologne (or Köln)
Which do you like more, the old or the new design of PlayStation 3?
Guess that's all for this Monthly Blog so till next time have fun and here is the link to the other Monthly Blogs ;).