It's not about reinventing the wheel! It's about no wheel at all!!!"Steven Spielberg
Many of you know that I had very low predictions for Microsoft ad that I'm not a fan of them but Microsoft had a great, incredible, awesome presentation, which will be hard to surpass. There it was and it's gone now, the Microsoft E3 presentation. My own prediction were low for them but they went beyond my imagination. I knew that they had a big line of games to announce but a total of 10 games, never thought about that, and a motion sensing controller but never were expecting "Project Natal". The start was spectacular. Then the bodyguards came, and finally then the first game. The Beatles: Rock Band presented by the members of Beatles. The game looks good and by the number of Beatles follower it's probably going to be sold in good amount. Not a bad move.
After that one of my idols came in, Tony Hawk himself, and was that a skateboard in his hand? Yes, it was, and one who will be your controller. The presentation of the game looked good and since it will be available for try I hope GameSpot is going to provide some of there hands-on impressions.
Climbing a gletcher which is trembling and then the tremor of the sounds wave of a nearby airplane makes it trembling even more, isn't that atmosphere at max. Modern Warfare 2 looks good and have good chance to surpass the first one, and the snowmobile race was just awesome.
A game that I anticipate from fall 2007 took the show. Two of my favorite people got have put there feet on the stage. And then a demo of the X360 version of Final Fantasy XIII showed up. The fight was great and some more info's are always welcome. Expect the game to hit the stores sometimes in spring 2010.
"We are going to present 10 world premiers for games just for Microsoft", and all my doubt that Microsoft is going to be quite this year fall in the water. I couldn't wait anymore and then the first game went to the big screen.
Shadow Complex, a 3D side-scrolling action-adventure for X-box arcade. 10 hours for an arcade game is real good and the gameplay, much focused on boss fights, looked great. Release this summer so not to much for wait.
Joy Ride, a game which will get use of the avy that you create on your X-box 360. It looked hilarious and full of fun, hopefully it will be that way when it comes out on X-box live this fall.
Crackedown 2 and my eyes got wide open as a man starts to jump over buildings like an animal and jumping as monkey with cool voice cover. The first big game out of the 10 and it looks amazing.
"...and when you get out of ammo *sounds of chainsaw appears* you'll use this" and then some fast zombies came running towards 4 people and a familiar sounds of Valve was in background and I knew, it's going to be Left 4 Dead 2. The first one was full of fun and this one better should be also great.
Fisher speaking and looks different, and I said: "Finally Splinter Cell: Conviction is coming". There were also a playable demo and from what we saw Fishers biggest friend will be the dark and sneak attacks from it, but he is also good in frontal were he is using good cover system.
After I heard the familiar sound of a car engine running, and some good racing going on the screen, I said that the man who is going to present the game should have a car on the stage and it was so. Forza Motorsport 3 looks amazing, much better then number 2. Big words were spoken to create a good community and presenting people who got there inspiration to make a car in RL from Forza.
The game who is number one sold game on the X360 and which broke many selling records is getting finally it's next game. Halo 3 ODST, which story is set before Halo 3, showed some great graphics and the New Mombasa looks also great. I'm hoping just that this game will not break records about hyping, because Halo 3 is number 1 hyped game of all time by many critics.
Bungie said that they were working in secret on a new title which will be showed now, and there it was, Halo Reach, which is set for release in 2010 and not much information's were given out.
My most anticipated game for 360 came to the screen. The writer, Alan Wake, were walking through the dark, in searching for Rusty who have some important scripts which could lead our main character to his missing wife. The game still looks great and finally we got our release date which is sometimes in spring 2010.
After all this game, Microsoft showed us some of there new partnerships. The new partners were, Netflix, Sky TV, Live Party, Facebook and Twitter. Those are real great news which could bring to higher sells of the 360 and maybe make the consoles as usually as computers.
"One more big franchise is still not on X360, which one do you think it is?", this question was asked to the audience, and in the background I saw Hideo Kojima, the creator of Metal Gear Solid franchise and announced that it's coming to Microsoft in there new game called Metal Gear Solid: Rising, but the main character is not going to be Snake, it's Raiden.
Project Natal
„People ask me if we could make a motion sensing controller, and I say them yes" this was the sentence which was spoken before presenting Project Natal, a camera based device and the controller are no less then YOU yourself. It looked incredible when I first saw it but then they showed us a small video for the device and it looked great. It can recognize many polygons, is fast enough when it comes to encoding your movement in the console to show you on the screen and it has voice recognition. The vice-president of Microsoft said that the only barrier between the gaming and other entertainings is the thing that we hold in the hand aka controller and that they want to break that barrier. The first game that they showed us was a game which required us to hit some balls to break blocks, and I said that the controller are you, so that means you need to use your hands, feets and head to hit the balls. The next game was Paint party and I was thinking it's hardly gonna impress me, but he showed us what we can we do with Project Natal I was astonished. The game is simple but it's great, people who have 30 years can have fun with it but also children which have 3 years can use it without problems (if they know English). And as the Microsoft presentation was coming to it's end, Peter Molyneux from Lionhead Studios came to the stage. I immediately wanted to see what he is going to present us. „Milo", which is also the name of the kid which is presented in the game. You can talk with him, play with him, you can write something on a piece of paper and then hold it near the camera of Natal and it will be recognize and just some seconds later Milo will hold a piece of paper. Milo will sometimes throw something „towards" you and as you natural instinct is, you will try to catch that. You can even „touch" the watter just by bringing your hand more closer to the camera and then moving them. The technology looks great and it's supposed to come this fall and since then it will be shipped with every X-box 360.
Electronic Arts
As Microsoft presentation ended I couldn't wait EA presentation to start. My most anticipated games on it were Brutal Legend, something new from Crytek and of course, Dante's Inferno. And how did the presentation started. With a footage of Dante's Inferno. The main character was battling what to me looked like a boss and after a little fight he was able to see his girlfriend, the reason why he went to hell was to rescue her and what did she said: „You broke our promise" and he fall down and started to battle some normal sized demos. What a great start. After that Sims 3 showed. The best life simulator till now and EA is hooping for big success from it. As always the game looked great and fun. And after those 2 great games, 2 games for little girl came. Little Pet Shop, which has 2 million of people playing it, is getting some more games just as Charme Girls Club.
And then a great game showed up which didn't had a great presentation. Need for Speed Shift, one of three NFS games which are coming this year. This one wants to simulate the race as much as possible, and what they showed us looked great. I always was a fan of racing games which had a city and good landscape, where you drive through the nature and city's, but this one looked like it's going to be on a racing track, but it doesn't matter, I just hope it's going to be great.
The next game was a game which should have been released on the PC sometimes in March but was delayed to October 20, on the same date when the console version are also coming out. And you got it, I'm talking about Dragon Age: Origins, a game from Bioware and as they said this Dragon Age has a mature look and is more brutal then the one before. My hopes are big.
General Shepard isn't dead, he survived and now again he has a small chance to survive this mission as he says that himself. The first exclusive trailer looked great, and the people from Bioware said this thereself: „We are sure that Mass Effect 2 will be able to surpass Mass Effect 1", and that's why I'm hoping the same.
And now, we welcome EA sports to the stage.
The first game that was showed to us from EA sports was the long anticipated game Fight Night Round 4 which is now coming a week earlier. The box simulator looked great. The fight between Mohammed Ali and Mak Tayson looked great and it has a good chance to surpass Round 3.
„We are launching in 2010 a new big franchise" and it was EA sports MMA. We haven't saw anything from the game but they spoke some big words and if we can trust them it's going to be big.
After those 2 game. 3 online things came. The first was Tiger Woods PGA tour Online and it looked promising. After that we NCAA football 10 Team Builder was showed and at the end we saw Madden NFL 10 online.
The presenter then showed us EA sports Active, and a video in which 3 womens say that they lost up to 25 pounds with EA Sports Active. And it's for Wii.
The long awaited Tennis game from EA sports for Wii is been showed. It was Grand Slam Tennis. It looked like you can have fun with it but I never was a fan of game where you don't run yourself.
The setting is set sometimes when the Nazis occupied Paris and you have to sabotuer many of there plans. Yes I'm talking about The Saboteur. The game is gonna use a Black and With tone at most, but the other colors are also in. We saw a demo of the game and it looks promising.
LET'S ROCK. The most noises game of all showed up. Brutal Legend still looks great and Tim said that this is his most personal game which he made. It's coming out on Roctober 13 on PS3 and X360.
After that I saw a familiar logo of Crytek and I couldn't wait anymore what they will show us. And it was Crysis 2 and it's coming to PC and the two console for the first time so finally even more people will be able to see Crysis in action all thanks to Crytek engine 3.
Many of you heard about APB and it still is great. But the best intro had one other game and it was Star Wars: The old Republic, the game which will bring Star Wars MMO, and will let you to choose if you going to be on the evil side or on the good one. The whole main quest will be able to be played without th help of clans which are formed in the MMO's, they even say up to 95% of the game is going to be able to be done on that way. And after 19 great games EA finished there show and then we had to wait for Ubisoft.
Haven't watched it and I don't intend to watch it.