@tsunami2311 they became a huge success with the Wii with their 1st party games and survive in the GCN gen with the exclusives, so the wii u still has a chance to at least survive this gen
@epichotcheese not when they are the king of portables, too bad this console is sucking right now, for me the only reason to get is smash bros and a brand new zelda, not the HD port
talking about mediocre reviews, why this guy hasnt been fired, the game isnt perfect, but thats far from the review giving by this so call "professional reviewer"
LOL, really, leave the review to true players instead of some loser guy who barely know about games
@YukoAsho @thequickshooter finally someone who actually read instead of look retarded with retarded posts
the cross plays of PS3/vita are just the same game, this one as the article said, has UNIQUE STAGES, you cant crossplay when the content is different between games Monster hunter for WiiU /3ds has cross play, so the only thing crappy is your comment
@Dasim64 do you even read the new, is a FREE game, made by the guy who make tetris, is not like the MMRPG where you have to paid for get 80% of the content
the 3rd game feel so rushed plotwise and still A LOT of questions were left unaswered, i have to say this is one of the few franchise i could like a sequel, just for the sake of tied any missed plots elements, plus the series was pretty decent
Anema1986's comments