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APB can't die!

As some of you might remember the day APB said they were closing their doors was horrible. To many who like me were devistated, I mean I had put almost 400 hrs between two characters in only 9 to 10 weeks. The customizations were amazing and the corner stone. In most MMOs (which I don't play many) I suck at making money. I hate farming, I don't exploit, and I don't idle. So usually I am poor in MMOs, APB was the exception. The creation system allowed for unbelieveable customization. I am right now sitting on almost 2 milltion dollars on my main character (probably 1.5 mil is from selling stuff on the Marketplace, mainly symbols), I even was getting to the point of being called one of the best designers in game. Now along with all this Realtime found a cleaver way to pay for monthly fees. Not only could u play for free in social (in other words designing things, chatting, ext). But you could also earn RTW points, which 400 payed for a month of play. To anyone unfamiliar with APB, RTW were points that you payed real money for from Realtime World that could be used to buy in game items (put on the marketplace by other players, including ingame money), or pay for your monthly membership fee. Well the thing is when somebody sells something for RTWs, somebody earns them. I ended up paying for only 1 month of play with cash, and total from the 1 month I had payed (in RTWs) and the RTW points I still have I have 9 months for free (1 already used). These were great cause the $15 a month can kill me (why I avoid alot of MMOs). Now yes the game had it's down and the exploiters, hackers and farmers ruined in. I was able to deal with them but alot of people couldn't. But RTW was fixing this, people just needed to be patient. I hope the rumors of Epic Games buy it are true (and that would explain why the servers didn't stay closed), but if they do I hope they keep the game and not scrap it for its code. I for one plan on playing this game to grave, making more and more custom symbols, and creating other items (such as cars, cloths and even music). To me this is one of the best games I have played (and I have been gaming for along time). I love the grand theft autos (Really got into gaming with 3). and this is just them just alot better and alot more fun. So let's hope for a miracle, and maybe Epic can afford to bride all the reviews that RTW refused to (and advertise as well).