Rumors Starting Up Again about APB being bought
by Ange1ofD4rkness on Comments
Okay as I have stated before I scan the web usually daily to find out what's going on with APB (All Point Bulletin). Back when the game tanked their were rumors that EPIC games might buy the title but that's where it stayed. Then their was the whole thing (i posted it in an earlier blog) that the head developer might head over to EPIC, well now it sounds like that was a rumor. I am not sure what the hell is going on, but once again the rumors are flying that APB is rumored to be bought by EPIC or they might buy it. Could this be gamers just throwing false lies? Maybe the same for the developer going to EPIC? All we know is everytihng is still a rumor, but just today APB is starting the rumor again EPIC might buy it. We can hope for this This link seems the best so far, but they are all saying the same thing