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AngelOfDeath08 Blog

Gone for a while....

well as some of you know, ive been pretty sick the past week and a half but im gettin better now so i should be posting more... but i fell really bad about leaving the KH Quiz with one QM... even though shayne took my place... but i should be back to full health in the next few days so i should be on alot more

Ive been hacked

Well yesterday i learned that my hotmail account was hacked.  If you recieve any emails from me or see me on msn please let me know.  Dont get mad at me for anything that is said to you because it isnt me!

School and Job

Well this week i start my job and i start school... ill post every chance i get, but for the first week of school i will have alot of work to do at my job so... dont demote me or anything...


Im gonna be gone for the next five days or so... if im not posting then i dont have a computer... or im just too busy to post... well see yall in five days

E3 rox!!!

So pretty much E3 was like the greatest thing.  I cant believe all of the new games coming out.  And the thing i liked the most was the new consoles... especially the Wii... im gonna buy it the day it comes out... i hope. but ne way i recorded the days of E3 from G4.. and i have rewatched them all.  I cant wait for the so many new things to come out.

i dont like school

Man school starts in a couple of days and i really dont feel like goin... but o well. I might as well enjoy the rest of my summer, wats left at least.

wat ever

Yea.... im bored so im gonna jus start writing stuff for who ever wants to read it. I have a lot of games. i play games in most of my spare time. if im not playing games im usually on the internet.