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#1 AngelOfDeath718
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't. i love basketball, so i'd buy nba 2k regardless of the review. for fps games, reviews matter to me because there are so many of them. i was planning to buy gta4 because it got great reviews, but i decided to get rdr instead because many users said that that they liked it better. i would probably buy either (or both) mgs4 or uncharted 2 because they both got great reviews. i would probably buy bioshock infinite regardless of the review because the gameplay video looked awesome to me.
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#2 AngelOfDeath718
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
[QUOTE="tingram2011"]Because FPS games are for the most part stagnant in their gameplay. Sure every game might present something slightly new, but is it The last time I played an FPS which made me smile from ear to ear was the first Call of Duty. Now I am not saying that the FPS genre is bad, I am an avid player and enjoy it when a unique incremental upgrade has been added. But the fact is that most of these games do not offer an experience that is unique enough to differentiate it from the pack in a HOLY **** kind of way. RPGs and games such as Uncharted and MGS4 have more room for innovation as they are genres that are relatively new compared to the FPS genre. And before you jump all over me let me clarify that statement. The western RPG is a much more recent phenomena compared to the FPS, especially when we are talking about games which hit the mainstream such as ME2 and Fallout 3. Uncharted is likewise a very unique experience, at least in our perception if not reality. FPS games also have a very special place in the game world. I think everyone would agree that FPS caters to rather large population that includes everything from frat guys to those who don't go out in the sun. Also it is easily the most competitive genre on the market with everyone trying to gain supremacy over the player base. Look at the games we have going right now (or coming soon)... MW2, Halo: Reach, BC2, Black Ops. MOH, Killzone, etc. That is a market full of heavy hitters who are releasing games at a fevered pitch to keep up with the competition. This leads to very solid games (personal opinions aside we cannot deny the sucess of these franchises) that innovate at a snails pace. Even if first person view didn't present the challenges to innovation that it does, why would developers risk throwing a wrench into the gears of a money making sure thing?

good analysis -- makes a lot of sense
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#3 AngelOfDeath718
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts

[QUOTE="AngelOfDeath718"]FPS games like Halo, Modern Warfare 2, etc. are among the top selling games. However, games like Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, etc get the best reviews. What are the reasons for that?Greyfeld

Because the fact that the casual market is brimming with uneducated consumers who are willing to eat up the newest installment of rehashed garbage doesn't mean that it deserves the best critic score.

wow! lol
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#4 AngelOfDeath718
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
[QUOTE="StopThePresses"][QUOTE="AngelOfDeath718"]@StopThePresses i'm glad you said that instead of me. lol

I don't think that whatever you thought I meant is what I actually meant. I'm saying they are not rated "over-all best" because they aren't the best. :P (I also don't really like Mass Effect, but that's besides the point.)

i understood what you meant completely. that's why i laughed
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#5 AngelOfDeath718
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
@StopThePresses i'm glad you said that instead of me. lol
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#6 AngelOfDeath718
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts



On Gamespot

Halo Reach has a 9.5

Uncharted 2 has a 9.5


Modern Warfare 2 has a 9

Mass Effect 2 has a 9

So... I don't get your point.

Also: Quantity doesn't equal quality.


Uncharted is first person? Mass Effect is also? This is news to me.

Wow. That's totally not what I said.


He said games like Halo and Modern Warfare 2 are FPS titles that don't get rave reviews.

He said games like Uncharted and Mass Effect 2 get rave reviews.

Reach and Uncharted 2 got the same score. MW2 and Mass Effect 2 got the same score...

i said that fps games typically don't get the best review, meaning "over-all best".
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#7 AngelOfDeath718
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
halo reach got the best review here, but i haven't seen where it got the best review anywhere else. on every other site that i've seen, mass effect 2 got a better review than halo
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#8 AngelOfDeath718
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
FPS games like Halo, Modern Warfare 2, etc. are among the top selling games. However, games like Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, etc get the best reviews. What are the reasons for that?