thank you, Tjsage, we just stopped in and aren't a regular, so-called. Now, for the other sponge-brain, here's some acronymns you may not be aware of. In the IT arena, do you know what RIP is? Now, don't go and google that!!! Be honest!! How about EMS in the EPA world with respect to motorcycles? I could go on with acronymns. I lived with them and they are the biggest, single pain in the ass for effective communication. You may impress those not in the know, or 80 year old grandmothers, but your glory is a flash in the pan. So, to communicate, which is the single most complex venture in the human experience, try a little effort and spell out your communication.
oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh, aren't you just the intellectual!!!!!!!! Fool, you probably have to google how to tie your shoes still. Acronymns assume your audience knows your subject. Although you may impress the two year olds with your inflated ego, Remember, when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me!!!!!!!!
Grow up, don't assume, and humble thyself before your audience.
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