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AngelsongCA Blog


EULA's are a gaming hostage contract.  "Sign this or you can't play your pretty little games online anymore."

Sure it's loaded to the brim with unnecessary pork far beyond what is needed to protect them legally, and it rapes a lot of your freedoms away from you, but at least you can play games online right?

I'm tired of these corporations taking advantage of people.

In-Game Advertising

Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't putting advertising in games make those games cheaper to buy for consumers?

Take commercials on television for example. The sponsers pay for the content and airing costs. If the advertisers are paying to put their ads in video games, they are thus paying for a lot of the production costs from making said games.

Considering this fact shouldn't games be cheaper for us to buy? If this is not the case it would be like us paying for pay-per-view movies on T.V. which also have commercials throughout the showing.

That's idiotic is it not?

Prologues A New Trend?

Maybe every publisher will start making Prologues of games, so they can sell the same game twice and drain people's wallets.

Call of Duty 5 Prologue comes with three maps and 8 guns 2 single player missions, Halo 4 Prologue 2 vehicles 8 guns 2 maps, Lost Odyssey 2 Prologue 2 chapters, 2 characters, 3 spells.

MGS4 Prologue 1 stealth suit, 2 maps, 3 guns. They'll make a killing right? Why sell a game once when you can do so twice, effectively having consumers pay $100 for a single game.


What the flip is with making the guys in some JRPG's look like female super models? I mean 2 inch long eye lashes? It's like all of male characters spend two hours in the mirror each day doing their hair, even while out in the middle of nowhere. The vainest characters on the planet. You have to look very pretty for battle right? As if that wasn't bad enough, no lets give them earrings and a pretty red jacket to further confuse people. Why not just put a dress on them and be done with it? Oh yes, and lets put the actual females in a man's business suit to really confuse people. It's like they want the world to redicule JRPG's. Stop trying to engineer some kind of man-girl crossbreed Square-Enix, please.

When my sister wants to know where certain male JRPG characters get their hair done it's just become more than sad.