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Angre_Leperkan Blog


Yo guys.

So, I just joined up on, and if I review any games in the future it will probably be on there. My name on there is Angre_Leperkan439 (not that hard to remember seeing as it's pretty similar to my name on here) I like Gamespot and I do enjoy reading its articles, but the fact that they will take money in exchange for a good review for a crappy game disgusts me. I've found myself trusting their reviews less and less and other sights, like IGN and GiantBomb's reviews, more and more. Therefore, I'm switching over.

Track me on there if you feel like it, just send me a message if you're up to it :)


Still haven't reviewed...And what about that RFG?

Hey fellas. Back again.

So, anybody else play Red Faction: Guerilla? I got it the day it came out, ran out and picked it up immediately. However, I was somewhat dissappointed. The game, although not bad, didn't live up to expectations.

Once again, I'm putting off the review. That game has not been completed yet, but it's a work in progress. I mean, that game definitely is not as large a scope as say, Empire Total War(I haven't reviewed that yet, sorry), but I don't wanna review it still!

Anyways, back to the game. That game has, hands down, a horrible narrative. It's got an interesting plot, I agree, but they do absolutely nothing with it. In fact, so far, I have two missions left until I beat the game, and I've seen a total of 3 cutscenes, all in the first 10 minutes! How ridiculous is that?!?! The only other narrative you really get is when you start missions, and when you load. When you load the game, it shows pictures from a supposed Mars news station, where it talks about current events, for example the GIANT SPACE SHIP hovering around Mars, blowing up your allies(never mentioned in-game, btw) and how the guerillas are seizing territory. Also, there's another faction, the Marauders, but they have absolutely no significance on the story AT ALL. You enter their territory(which is apparently dangerous or something) for one mission, and fight a few. Then, you see them driving around every once and a while. There was absolutely no point in adding them in.

Wow, that was a long rant. I know my blogs/reviews tend to ramble, but Idc. You guys get the jist of what I'm saying. Hmm...reading what I just wrote, maybe I AM ready to review Red Faction: Guerilla...

But I'm not going to. I don't feel like it, my head hurts, I'm tired, bla bla bla bla bla excuses excuses.

'Till later, friends.


My first blog...The quandries and debate of reviewing...

So, anybody here play Empire: Total War?

I do. At least, I did. I haven't played recently, due to many reasons:

1. Long load times.

2. Lagginess due to insufficient computer-ness.

3. My PC keeps giving me error msges about insufficient virtual memory, so I'm afraid it'll blow up.

Anyways. I played it. ALOT. In the hopes to review it for all the fine people on this website.
I was making sure I finished the campaign, did everything I could, tested all this different stuff in the game...

I almost did it. I'm almost done w/ the campaign. I have tested around for bugs and whatnot. I have enough information to post my review...I think.

Then why don't I, you may ask?

Do you not realize(Lawlz @ Nacho Libre) how much effort a review takes?

Well, it's A LOT.

To be hohest, I'm not feeling the motivation to do the epic review that this game is going to require(btw, I'm not saying it's epic because it's an amazing game; it's epic because the scope is large)

I need to convice myself to do it, I know, but I know it'll take a while.

I guess I might just copy and paste from Microsoft Word or something.

Well, we'll see what I do, won't we?

Salutations 'till next time.

...If there is a next time. But I know you're hoping and praying I write some more. ;]


P.S. That ain't my real name, so don't go all creepy on me to search up my name ;]

P.P.S. I'm just kidding, I don't think you will.

P.P.P.S. But if you're thinking bout it, DON'T!

...Creeper. I'm out.