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AngryBeaver9 Blog

Oh wow

well Its officially been a year since my last post. and well as you can see, my spelling is still **** what can i say for 2010. It was a good year. ALOT changed, things i never thought would. But in some ways they changed for the better. Year 11 was tough, friends were lost, and friends were gained. The work was hard and TEE was a challenge. But I pulled through. thanks to my trusty support system (the parentals) but yeah, seeing as this is a gaming website i should talk about all the awesome games that were released this year. 2010 was a great year for gamming. New tech revolutionised our gaming experiences, like Playstation move and kinect for example. I have all three consoles, because any true gamer has all three :) If i had to pick the best gamelast year it would be Call of duty : Black Ops. Just because ive spent so many hours on it and its sooo fricken addicting. but there were other great games, like assasinscreed brotherhood, Halo reach, rock band 2, mario galaxy 2 and donkey kong country returns. im pretty sure im getting a kinect for my birthday in three months. and im deffinantly going to get Dance Central :) anyay ill try and keep up to date with my blogs this year.

Addios Amigos

Goodbye 2009

frickedy frick frick frick.. HOLIDAYS! woot! oh yeahs, the times of constant gaming; the endless coop gameplay the thrilling online matches and the in-depth singleplayer campaign is what its all about. and there are plenty of awsome games this season that will make you pee yourself a little.

The only disadvantage of holidays mixed with the find blend of gaming is the lack of a social life. oh well.. you cant have it all. but still,, speaking on behalf of yours truely.. i am damm fine at the moment and filled with overwhelming joy. I cant wait for christmas and i cant wait for the new year :)

2009 has been an exellent year for gaming and an exellent year in my life. so as i say farwell to another year, i embrace my forthcoming challenges stronger and wiser than i ever was before.

Goodbye 2009.. you were a little beauty.

You Cant Touch This

damm it damm it damm it. dont you hate it when you want something but you know ou can't have it ? mayby thats why we want it in the first place. But you see the really annoying thing is about two meters away from me sits a tightly sealed DJ hero. but just like the above statment says i cant have it. more so i cant play it, because christmas is so very distant. About 5 meters away from me sleeps a lonly ratchet and clank, still sealed still brand spankin new.. awaiting the arival of the ps3. if only i could speed up time, so instead of writting this rather dull blog i would be scratchin away to mchammer. but as i look over to the unopend dj hero box it suddenly talks to me.. "'You cant touch this, dunn nu nu nu.. nu nu.. nu nu Cant touch this'' peace to the homophobes and the yellowtoads :)

Ahhh the joys of being a teenager

yes indeed.. oh the joys. If only it were easy, if only life was like a game. A game that played a bit like rockband with a few mates, or halo online or even assasins creed on those lonesome rainy nights. that would be nice. A bit of fun, relaxation and plesure. instead of..


but hey what can you do? i guess thats just life, and im damm thankfull that there are games of this generation that enable you to enter another would and escape from reality. Because sometimes reality isnt all that great.

I think this passage of inspiration is due to assasins creed, its inspired me, taken me to another fun and furfilled world, i am greatfull. Thank you.

so many games

well i think its safe to say that modern warfare 2 is possibly the most antisipated game of all time. And yes its definantly on my christmas list alongwith assasins creed 2. I recently purchased halo 3 ODST, the game i had been waiting for , for almost a year, and man its awesome. my expectations were high considering its halo, and yes it lived up to my high standerds which i am rather pleased about. It should keep me going for a while now, atleast untill christmas anyways.

Id just like to add that my summer holiday trip to vanuatu was amazing, possibly the best trip of my life (so far) but now its back to school... mehhh. anyway if i had alot of money and alot of spare time these would be the games i would get. (some arnt released yet) COD modern warfare 2, assasins creed 2, scriblenaughts, new super mario bros. wii, Tekken 6, halo reach,mario galaxy 2, redsteel 2, FM3, fable 3, mass effect 2, kingdom hearts ds, and yeah thats all i can think of at the moment.

until next time.

peace out smokedgarillas :P

i am tired

Its been ages since my last blog.. probably because of the constant home work i am receiving.. see look now im using big wordsand yes i am rather tired.

Adventurre world was awsome, obviosly... and allmy pressies i got for my bday were wiked.
the games i have for my xbox now are street fighter 4, halo 3, lego india ana jones, kung fu panda and fable 2. I really wanna get gta 4.. i might get it tommorow

anyway i would wright more but i am about to collapse from tiredness so mayby another time.. i bet im gonna read thistomoz and be like wtf

goodnight jealybean toe shappedlamas:D

Holy Jamma Lamma :P

Why hello there and welcome to another one of my blogs :)

well i ended up getting castlevania its awsome :) i love it how you can design your own level and put the monsters where you want them ... sighhh its awsome

any way so for my birthday i have some how managed to get around 5 or 4 xbox 360 games probably because i have the bestest friends and family in the world... plus im goin to adventure worl for a combined party jeeze im lucky... sometimes when im feeling upset i just stop.. close my eyes and relise how lucky i am and then i start smiling again..

anyway lets get back on topic... wait what was the topic?..... oh i no hehe GAMES:).... urgghh u no what is annoying me right now.. the lack of descent wii games i mean when are they going to stop producing sh*ty little kiddy games like sam and max and all these stupid quiz games. The only good games for wii released so far is mario kart, ssbb, de blob, mario galaxy and mayby metroid and redsteel if your into that sort of thing. on the other hand i am extremely pleased with the new reasele xbox 360 games like SF4 , halo wars, GTA4 the lost and diammed:D

and whats this i hear about gamespot giving halo wars a 6.5??? have they gone completely mental or turned into some antihalo haters i mean jeeze...

until next time,,


just another blog

Well heres comes another blog.... YAY! :) just sit back relax and crack open a bottle of honey comb.... umm whaaah?

any way today i went to the dentist in bunbry (like you care) and whilst i was there i visited my once favourite store.. EBgames... you may ask y it is not my favourate store anymore and that would be because the games are getting redicoulasly overpriced i saw thee new street fighter special edition for friken 200 bucks and was like wtf who would pay that.. and i relised that eb games is no better than harvey norman when it comes to games.. infact big w and jb hifi are much more resonable.... im typing this on my **** computer so it takes ages to backspace for some reason so there a few mistakes hehe

so yeah its my birthday soon n i am goin insane because i really wanna open my present (my xbox 360 :) ) its driving me fricken bonkers.. :roll:

oh yeah i almost forgot... whilst i was in town today i saw a castlevania game on ds for $27 ive never played one before n if you reading this and your name ISNT hayley could you plz comment and let me now if its worth it .. :)

until next time,,

peace out jimmeny cricket

Just A Blog :)

Well this is my first blog.. obviosly.. its actually my first blog EVER, so its probly gonna suck but O well, I dought many people will read this, other than my self because not many of my mates use gamespot. any way its my 15th birthday in 3 weeks n ive got an xbox 360 :D the problem is im not alowed to open it until my birthday,, so im just staring at the shiney white beautiful box... i am so desperate to open it i even had a dream about it.. :| any ways the games im most likly to get when i am able to open my beautiful microsoft master peice are halo 3, Gta4, street fighter 4 , tekken 6, mass effect, fable 2, halo 3 ODST n a few others.. Just to let you now i do own a Wii but i like both mario and halo so much that i just had to get both :) any way to rap this blog up id just like to thank every one who read this..... may god give you flowers :P