Just A Blog :)
by AngryBeaver9 on Comments
Well this is my first blog.. obviosly.. its actually my first blog EVER, so its probly gonna suck but O well, I dought many people will read this, other than my self because not many of my mates use gamespot. any way its my 15th birthday in 3 weeks n ive got an xbox 360 :D the problem is im not alowed to open it until my birthday,, so im just staring at the shiney white beautiful box... i am so desperate to open it i even had a dream about it.. :| any ways the games im most likly to get when i am able to open my beautiful microsoft master peice are halo 3, Gta4, street fighter 4 , tekken 6, mass effect, fable 2, halo 3 ODST n a few others.. Just to let you now i do own a Wii but i like both mario and halo so much that i just had to get both :) any way to rap this blog up id just like to thank every one who read this..... may god give you flowers :P