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Oh wow

well Its officially been a year since my last post. and well as you can see, my spelling is still **** what can i say for 2010. It was a good year. ALOT changed, things i never thought would. But in some ways they changed for the better. Year 11 was tough, friends were lost, and friends were gained. The work was hard and TEE was a challenge. But I pulled through. thanks to my trusty support system (the parentals) but yeah, seeing as this is a gaming website i should talk about all the awesome games that were released this year. 2010 was a great year for gamming. New tech revolutionised our gaming experiences, like Playstation move and kinect for example. I have all three consoles, because any true gamer has all three :) If i had to pick the best gamelast year it would be Call of duty : Black Ops. Just because ive spent so many hours on it and its sooo fricken addicting. but there were other great games, like assasinscreed brotherhood, Halo reach, rock band 2, mario galaxy 2 and donkey kong country returns. im pretty sure im getting a kinect for my birthday in three months. and im deffinantly going to get Dance Central :) anyay ill try and keep up to date with my blogs this year.

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