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1 It has come to this. My PC runs on garbage.2 Halo. 3 Achiements=$

This isnt some ecological revolution in witch my PC is powered by burning celerons (ah sweet smell)... what was i saying... oh yeah. With all the **** break downs I had last year ( PSU after PSU) here is the coup de grace; my 200$ (realy thats what its worth) Asus P4P800 fried draging my P4 3Ghz and 1 gig of DD2 400mhz RAM down with it. I guess its my fault because prior to that I tried to OC my RAM but of coarse it only happened because they were old... Ok its my fault so what?I'm 16 and I can still pity my parents into paying for the repairs. I lost my job what do you want me to do, damn the global ecomy going to hell.

Anyway,its been fixedlast weekend (been broken since december). Now I have a 1.5Ghz sempron and 512mb of RAM (why couldnt it die protecting my 1 gig). I HATE THIS RUBBISH!!! Whydo I still get my PC fixed by other people? I could get better stuff a sempron and a mobo shouldnt cost 60$ but since im not paying i cant do itmy way. I've been playing colinization(1950s edition) and Fallout 2, thats how much it sucks.I not even bothering setting my PC up because I just dont care anymore, my only worthwile part (my gpu) will die probly next week so it doesnt matter.

Everthing in the PC univers is cheap and breaks. I was forced to cut corners all my life but no more, this time Im going for good stuff ALL new building it myself and getting lifetime warrenties and the best brands.

Oh yeah and Im never OCing again it costed me 500$ over the year to get my 0.6ghz that btw in benchs wasnt there.


Oh and I got Halo 3. The fedx guy is cheap I get it 1 day before I leave on vacation so I was playing intensly for 12 hours, 8 on matchmaking, I was kind of sucking that day (sensitivity at 10 woups) so I played on training, I feel bad killing a total stranger to the game. The dudes walking along not looking at his radar and bam assasanation. I feel like a dirt bag after so I kind of spend my time dual the major with a noob account so he can feel better about himself buy destroying less experienced players. Its fun to piss them off by winning. But beware I have little pitty for anyone in a ranked match. I made sergent in 8 hours, not bad.


Am I the only one that realiased? Achiements makes you buy more games.

Some will say ah buy it extense replayability, yeah but once! Don't you see most people will play through game the achiement gathering way and then... well I got all the achiements I dont need to play anymore. You then buy more games. I realized this by talking with gamewarrior the other day;

he was talking about how xbox was boring now he done everything and wii keeped being fun. I noticed that with PC too. I played through Crysis a dozen times and still enjoy the moments, when I never replayed a level of Gears or Far Cry for the fun of it, I played the game maybe twice to get all achiements thats it. After that its off to the store to buy s new realese.


BTW I ordered the new fire emblem for DS, looking forward to it.