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Sins of a Solar Empire: Two Days of Owning it, Two Days of not Sleeping

I bought Sins two days ago, and I haven't slept since. When I started the game I played in a giant galaxy game with 9 races, big mistake. After playing for seven hours only stoping to fill up my water bottle, I realise that there is too much going on and that gives me a 5FPS PEAK! So I close the game and reload it. I notice that you are allowed to change the difficulty on the fly in the load game menu. I change all players to easy (they where too hard anyway, try waging war to 3 civs at the same time. They constantly attacking with all there ships (maxium availible) different colonies forcing me to send separate fleets to fight them. Since they are massively outnumbered they take massive casualties and I'm forced to flee. So on easy the FPSs go up to 15 (not bad for a P4).