I completed a full view of every last bit of Zero Punctuation video material. In other words I watched them all.
I enjoy having someone rip on my favorite games because most of the time it's true. Gaming lost 'fun' back when PS2 came out. Not only too much trash on the market but there are little good games to compensate for that. I would like to go back to the simple days where the blue hedhog would collect rings and fight sweet bosses. Today you buy a game, play it ten hours, possibly realise that most present day games suck, and get bored of it later and wonder why you spent 50$ for it. Ok for me great game isn't graphics, it's pure fun and something worth your 50$. Crysis, GTA SA, Oblivion are among the good ones.
So I was saying that I like seeing someone rip on popular games is that games today have so many bad things that people learned to ignore and having someone expose those to the viewer in a hilarious way is just great!
If you never seen a Zero Punctuation, your missing out.