It loses its appeal very fast when i first got it i loved it then the story finished in a flash and was basically the same story from fable 1 except worse and the ending is so cliche you see it coming like a train and there are not many quests to do after the story but i didnt do them because i couldnt be bothered. Seriously there is no benefit to you for doing these quests except more and more 'renown' but by the end of the story every one in the whole land knows you and the world is small and linear compared to oblivion or even morrowind. You dont even die you just get a 'scar' which doesnt affect gameplay in any way. And having to work for your family is the biggest drag. And I distinctly remember Peter Molyneux saying that the female characters would get pregnant but after youve done it all there is is a cutscene and you have a baby and it does nothing and all you can do is 'expressions'. You cant talk to people for some reason maybe you dont understand their language. Peter Molyneux is not to be trusted and i will never buy another lionhead studios game in the entirety of my existence.
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