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Music can make the Game, or break it?

It has recently come to my attention, strangely enough, that the music in a video game will decide whether or not I continue to play it. The game could very well have an amazing story, or incredibly graphics, but if the sound isn't right I will set it aside for something else, and probably finish it later.

For example, I recently started playing Kingdom Hearts. I have never owned a Playstation of any kind, so I have been unable to explore the wondrous and amazing games from those consoles until recently. However, as I was saying, I've started to play the series, but I've reached a snag. I finished the first Kingdom Hearts and loved it, but now I'm on to Kingdom Heats Re: Chain of Memories for the Playstation 2.

This probably should not have been done so closely following the first game, because the music is driving me insane. The music in the first Kingdom Hearts was great...but not for long periods of time, unless you have a q-tip handy and are willing to puncture your eardrum in order to continue playing. It doesn't help that the combat is clunky so I usually end up in one area for extended periods of time. I have to finish it before playing Kingdom Hearts II, or so my friend has told me. I've been offered to skip it, but I won't let it beat me, I will at some point finish it.

So, I've decided to take a break from it for a while in order to play through another game. Did I say play? I meant struggle through, not play through. Fire Emblem has to be one of the hardest games I have ever played, though not necessarily in difficulty, but in death. I knew going in that if any of my units died they would be gone forever. The AI knows this as well and usually reminds me that it knows. It is not as though ALL of my units are dieing, it usually just one, and one is all it takes. When this happens I usually sigh and then say **** out loud, even though nobody is around. It is my belief that if you do not do this when it happens, you have anger management problems.

Back to the point though. Why do I keep playing it? I'll answer that with another question. Why am I sitting here listening to the soundtrack at the title screen? Well, it's because the music is good...really good. I have a fondness for good 8-bit or 16-bit music, and Fire Emblem is no exception. The music repeats a little bit from battle to battle, but it's no Under The Sea (Seriously, if I have to listen to that one more time...).

I think I've run to the end of my thoughts, simply because I lack the ability to properly describe my feelings about video game music. I will, however, leave you with some of my favourite video games based upon the music within the games. I would also like to know what games you think have excellent music, it would be nice to expand my library of great game music.

Secret of Mana
Seiken Densetsu 3
Ogre Battle 64
Chrono Trigger
Fire Emblem

Fallout 3 (GNR) (I know this one doesn't really count, but the music they chose works for the setting of the game and, in my opinion, helps immerse the player in the game. Besides, it's good music.)

Halo (Honestly, though I don't enjoy the game as much as some people, the scores they have made for Halo have been quite good.)

And there are many more, though sadly I cannot think of them, or simply haven't played them. I have left some out on purpose, like Zelda games for example, the music in Zelda games are amazing, but that goes without saying.

Thanks for reading, if you did feel free to post a comment of any kind, or any suggestions for game music I should listen to. I hope I haven't entirely wasted your time, but I probably have, and so I apologize...go listen to some game music instead.