Angus_Mac / Member

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Purely coincidental

The retail stores must be happy that we're funding the economy with all these HD upgrades; they don't even need to sell the features of the product, but just have it available at a competitive price. When every other customer is walking out with a Blu-ray player or hi-def television, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that that's what people want. Hopefully there won't be a long line of recalls soon afterwards. I figured out that outside of sports and events, the science channels are the best benefactors of HD. All those ocean or wildlife scenes look fabulous, and even Dirty Jobs HD looks really dirty. So the cable channel is trying to promote the catchphrase about being Kanyed, but that has me thinking. When in the world are we non-media people ever going to give award acceptance speeches only to have some other person interrupt us? I think the idea of adding Kanye to your personal photos makes more sense. It's one thing when you name your pet or children after someone in the television world, but it's another when you discover your name and your friend's name are later used as starring characters in a sitcom. Unless your name is fairly common, would that throw you for a loop whenever you're seen together? What if your last name matched too? Would you still watch that show or movie?