Ahhh, the Dsi, the modern day Cold War.... What to do, what to do.
As you all know, late in 2009 the Nintendo DSi is being released into North America. How are we gamers supposed to respond? Should we eat or bite? Nintendo has guided our lives for years, and now it has finally turned to media and music. Are we to accept the camera and MP3 player or boycott the DSi completely?
Stop and think, what if this is a good thing? We could have music, camera, and games in one small beautiful box. What if it's a bad thing? What if we lose Nintendo forever? We gamers pride ourselves in adaptibility, or are we blaspheming? We cant even think on one tiny camera and one tiny MP3, what does that mean? Are we hypocrites?No, but we do need to be adaptable. I'm not telling you to love the DSi and im not telling you to hate it.
Just think about it.....